Basically, hyperpigmentation often occur on any area of the body, consisting of the face, hands, neck, legs, and arms. Hyperpigmentation can also cause dark patches & uneven color as well. Excessive melanin production is responsible for hyperpigmentation. Besides, excessive sun exposure, hormonal changes in our body, dietary imbalances, burning, skin injury, contact with certain chemicals, emotional stress or pregnancy are some of the main factors causing hyperpigmentation. To treat the condition, there are different types of salon treatments and chemicals available you can try. But these treatments are not cheap and not suitable for your skin. Instead, you can opt for a few easy and affordable treatments, which give the excellent answer on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation fast. Now, let Beauty Talk learn about home remedies for hyperpigmentation in detail.
34 Ways How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation Naturally
1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Hyperpigmentation
When it comes to hyperpigmentation removal, apple cider vinegar is very useful treatment. It comes with alpha hydroxy acids that are found in lots of skin care products. Plus, the acids also are effective at reducing hyperpigmentation and brightening skin altogether. Apart from that, apple cider vinegar, its excellent skin lightening and astringent features can help to restore the natural color of the skin. So, how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally with the aid of apple cider vinegar? Follow the processes below:
Process 1:
- Water
- Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
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Mix the two things in equal amounts first and then rinse your affected area with this solution. Leave the application on for 2 to 3 minutes and lastly, rinse off with the aid of lukewarm water. You can naturally get rid of hyperpigmentation by repeating this remedy two times each day for some weeks.
Process 2:
- ½ glass of warm water
- 2 tsp of ACV
- 1 tsp of honey
Prepare a solution by combining the ACV with warm water. Next, mix in the prepared honey and later drink this resultant solution around 2 times each day for several weeks until the condition is improved totally.
2. How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation Using Potato Remedy
“The last thing left in nature is the beauty of women – Peter Beard.”
Potato is also a potent & natural remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation. It also works very well on dark spots and blemishes as well. This is because they comprise an enzyme known as catecholase that lightens the skin tone. Moreover, the potato is filled with vitamin C, iron, and riboflavin, which make it a wonderful cure for hyperpigmentation. Here’s how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with potatoes:
- A potato
- A teaspoon of Fuller’s earth
- A blender
Wash & peel a potato at first and then cut the potato into two pieces. After that, you take ½ of a potato and blend it with the aid of a blender until you attain a juice- like consistency. Now add the prepared fuller’s earth to that potato juice, and mix them well to have a fine paste. Use the pack to apply on your affected parts. You can use this wonderful pack daily or thrice weekly for a month to battle discoloration of the skin.
3. Aloe Vera For Hyperpigmentation Removal
Aloe vera is grown mainly in the North Africa, Caribbean area, and some southern regions of USA. Aloe vera is known to be a natural & potent ingredient in skin or hair care products. Aloe vera can remove hyperpigmentation and treat skin rashes or burns thanks to its mucilaginous polysaccharides. It can make the healing process of hyperpigmentation faster by promoting new skin generation. Plus, aloe vera consist of a compound named anthraquinone that assists in removing dead cells & brightening the skin altogether. Besides, its antifungal & antibacterial features are able to destroy the bacteria growing on the skin, thereby keeping it healthier. Below are several processes that explain you on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with aloe vera:
Process 1: Aloe Vera & Honey Mask
This mask is a natural remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation quickly. In addition to aloe vera ingredient, the mask comprises honey that works as a natural and good skin color lightener.
- A tablespoon of organic honey
- Three tablespoons of aloe vera gel
Mix together well the aloe vera gel with the organic honey. Keep it aside for around 5-6 minutes to let all the ingredients combine until you have a thick gel-like consistency. Thereafter, apply on the pigmented areas using this gel mask and leave the gel for 18 to 20 minutes. Wash this gel mask off by using lukewarm water and finally, pat the skin dry. You can follow the procedure thrice per week for over one month or until the condition has reduced.
Process 2: Aloe Vera Juice & Vitamin E
This remedy is a wonderful tip to remove hyperpigmentation and to gain glowing complexion as well. Must try!
- One tablespoon of aloe vera gel
- One vitamin E capsule
- Cotton balls
Take the aloe vera gel on 1 spoon at first and then break 1 vitamin E capsule. After that, add it to the aloe vera gel. Mix them properly and apply this resultant gel on your pigmented parts of face and body. You need to keep the application on for 16-20 minutes before washing with warm water and lastly, pat the skin dry. Repeating the process 3 times in a week for one month will help you reduce the skin pigmentation.
Process 3: Aloe Vera Juice Remedy
This is an effective, simple, and great remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally. Try this out to eliminate hyperpigmentation in the fastest way.
- One teaspoon of aloe vera juice
- One cotton ball
Firstly, prepare some aloe vera juice and immerse 1 cotton ball in the prepared aloe vera juice. Thereafter, use the juice to apply on your affected parts and leave the juice in the area for 10 to 15 minutes prior to washing with clean tap water. To lighten the pigmented area, repeat this process two times in a day for at least three months.
4. How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation Using Strawberry
Utilizing strawberries is also a potent remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally. Strawberries are often used to treat hyperpigmentation created due to skin unfavorable susceptibilities owing to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory features. Plus, they are an astringent agent that makes them the ideal ingredient to remove hyperpigmentation, blemishes & dark or age spots. Here’s how to get rid of hyperpigmentation using strawberries:
Process 1: Strawberry & Honey Remedy
Honey in this mask aids in cleansing the skin. This face mask opens the skin pores & lightens the skin pigmentation at the same time.
- A tablespoon of honey
- 2 to 3 strawberries
- A spoon
Firstly, mash the strawberries with the back of one spoon to obtain a smooth paste. Later add one tbsp of honey into the resulting strawberry paste and mix these ingredients properly. After that, apply this prepared mask all over the affected regions and wait for 12-15 minutes before washing the area using warm water. Lastly, pat your skin dry. This wonderful face mask can be used 3 times in a week until hyperpigmentation is removed.
Process 2: Strawberries, Banana, Honey & Yogurt Remedy
Honey present in this mask will help to heal the skin inflammation and will even cleanse the pores on your skin. Yogurt comes with the lactic acid, which makes it the excellent ingredient for natural skin bleaching or skin lightening while banana functions as a natural skin exfoliator and has skin lightening properties too. Use this mask right now to get a smooth, youthful, and blemish free skin.
- ¼ cup of ripe banana
- Yogurt about ¼ cup
- ¼ cup of mashed strawberries
- Honey about 1 tablespoon
Detailed directions:
Add the banana, mashed strawberries, yogurt and honey in 1 mixing bowl and mix the things well until you have a smooth paste. Afterward, apply the awesome mask all over the affected skin and after 12 to 15 minutes, wash this mask off using warm water. Lastly, you need to pat the skin dry. The remedy can be repeated 3-4 times weekly to obtain blemish free skin.
Process 3: Strawberry & Lemon Juice
Lemon juice present in the mask is filled with vitamin C so that it helps to promote the collagen production and contains skin-lightening agents. Try this mask to eliminate blemishes and skin darkening as well.
- A tablespoon of lemon juice
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of strawberry pulp
The first step you need to do is combining the strawberry pulp and the lemon juice together to have a mask. Now apply this great mask on your pigmented areas and wait for 12-15 minutes. After that, wash the area with the aid of warm water and lastly, pat your skin dry. This mask should be applied 3 to 4 weekly until all the skin pigmentation spots turn light.
5. Turmeric Remedy For Hyperpigmentation
Turmeric is used commonly in Indian cooking and contains traditionally been used for curing inflammation, liver disorders and skin wounds in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory & antiseptic qualities, which make an ideal ingredient for hyperpigmentation removal. Curcumin housed in turmeric is beneficial for reducing the pain related to inflammation. Because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics, turmeric is also a very effective ingredient for combating acne. Here is how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally with the aid of turmeric:
Process 1: Turmeric powder & Lemon Juice
Lemon juice has the capacity to lighten the dark spots on the pigmented skin owing to its vitamin C content.
- One teaspoon of lemon juice
- One teaspoon of turmeric powder
Mix all the above things well until you have a smooth paste and apply on your pigmented regions. Allow the paste on for 12 to 15 minutes before using cold water to wash it and gently pat your skin dry. After applying this paste, don’t step out in the sun. The process can be followed 1 or 2 times weekly for at least 3-4 weeks to fight against hyperpigmentation on the face as well as other discolored skin of the body.
Process 2: Turmeric & Milk Remedy
Milk comes with lactic acid, which functions as a natural skin bleaching abilities while turmeric comes with antibacterial features, which combat the skin infection and lighten acne spots, age spots and skin pigmentation. Thus, it’s a must try remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation fast.
- Five tablespoons of turmeric powder
- Ten tablespoons of milk
Form a smooth paste by mixing the above things together. Then gently massage this resulting paste onto the pigmented region with the tips of the fingers for 5 to 6 minutes. After that, leave this paste on your skin for a gap of 16 and 20 minutes. With the aid of lukewarm water, wash that paste off and pat your skin dry. Apply this mask thrice per week for at least three weeks or until your skin pigmentation is lightened completely.
6. Sandalwood Remedy
Sandalwood has been used for many centuries as a good natural skin cleanser. It’s soothing for the skin and makes it feel so aromatic and fresh. This also helps you remove the blemishes and unnecessary marks. Additionally, sandalwood is able to heal skin infections, skin burns and wounds, thereby offering even tone skin. Furthermore, it’s a stimulant, cooling property and blood purifier, all of which work together to lower the appearance of skin pigmentation and give the skin a youthful, natural tone. See how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with the sandalwood remedy.
Process 1: Sandalwood, Gram Flour & Rosewater
Apart from sandalwood, this remedy consists of the other ingredients such as gram flour and rosewater, which are very useful to battle hyperpigmentation. Gram flour can help to lighten the skin tone by exfoliating all the dead cell skin while rosewater works as a skin cooling and skin-cleansing agent, and decreases the skin inflammation around and on the pigmented skin. Therefore, this is also another ideal remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation at home.
- Two teaspoons of sandalwood powder
- Three teaspoons of gram flour
- 2 or 3 teaspoons of rosewater
Create a consistent paste by mixing together the gram flour, rose water and sandalwood powder. Next, you apply all over your pigmented areas using this face mask and leave the mask for around 12 to 15 minutes. Thereafter, wash the region using warm water and pat dry. Reapply this mask thrice each week until the skin pigmentation is totally lightened.
Process 2: Sandalwood & Milk Remedy
This pack is also one of the excellent remedies on how to hyperpigmentation. A combination of sandalwood powder and milk will lighten the skin tone and clear the skin altogether. Try this awesome face pack to attain a supple, smooth as well as blemish free skin.
- Two teaspoons of milk
- Three teaspoons of sandalwood powder
Make a face pack by mixing the two things together. Next, apply this pack on your pigmented part and let it dry for 13 to 15 minutes before washing warm water. Finally, you pat the skin dry. To remove hyperpigmentation soon and fast, follow this home treatment 3 times in a week for about 3 weeks.
Process 3: Sandalwood, Milk & Turmeric
Milk in this pack functions as a bleaching property and leaves your skin supple and smooth as well while turmeric possesses antibacterial features and gives your skin a golden glow.
- Two tablespoons of sandalwood powder
- 2 to 4 tablespoons of milk
- One tablespoon of turmeric powder
Make a smooth & consistent pack by mixing together the turmeric powder, sandalwood powder, and milk. Afterward, you take this resultant pack and apply over your affected skin. Let this application dry for 10 to 15 minutes prior to washing the area with warm water. Lastly, you pat the skin dry. This home treatment can be used thrice each week until the pigmented regions have lightened visibly.
Process 4: Sandalwood & Lemon Juice
Regular use of this remedy will help you eliminate hyperpigmentation soon and fast.
- Four teaspoons of sandalwood powder
- One teaspoon of lemon juice
First of all, you combine well the sandalwood powder along with the lemon juice until a smooth face pack is created. Presently apply this resulting pack all over your pigmented region and let it dry for around 12 to 15 minutes. Wash the area by using warm water and finally pat dry. It’s advised to apply this face pack thrice weekly for a month to see the improvement.
7. How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation With Banana & Guava Remedy
This combination is another wonderful answer to the question about how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally. Generally speaking, banana packs many minerals and vitamins in it. This fruit offers one of the greatest remedies on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation and dark patches as well. It’s also a natural skin exfoliator so that it is able to exfoliate the skin and lower the appearance of uneven skin tone and blemishes. Whereas, guava contains a skin lightening agent named lycopene, which helps to heal the skin from rashes, sunburn, and hyperpigmentation. Here is how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with the combination of banana and guava:
- 1 guava
- 1 banana
- 1 blender
- 1 vegetable peeler
Peel the banana along with the guava at first using a vegetable peeler and cut these fruits into small pieces. Then, blend them by using 1 blender until a fine paste is created. Afterward, apply this resulting paste on your pigmented regions on the body and after 18-20 minutes, rinse this paste with cold water. Finally, you gently pat your skin dry. You can repeat the procedure alternate day for 3-4 weeks or until the condition is visibly improved.
8. Use Vitamin E Oil & Castor Oil
Generally speaking, vitamin E oil and castor oil are two of the most excellent oils to treat pigmentation on the skin and face discoloration. Vitamin E is included in different skin care products and is noted as a wonderful treatment used for skin discoloration. Vitamin E also helps to make the skin supple & smooth. Castor oil, on the other hand, is packed with fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, which are the magic ingredient reducing pigmentation. This natural treatment can reduce the skin discoloration on the face & other regions of the body too. It also leaves your skin glowing and smooth. Below is a process that explains you on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally with these oils:
- 5-6 vitamin E capsules
- One teaspoon of castor oil
Break these vitamin E capsules first and then collect their oil from these capsules in 1 small bowl. To the vitamin E oil, add the castor oil and mix these oils well with your fingers. Thereafter, apply this oil on your pigmented part and keep this application for 12-15 minutes. Gently wipe the face with the aid of a muslin cloth dipped in lukewarm water. Following this process daily for a month will help you naturally get rid of hyperpigmentation.
9. Tomato, Oatmeal & Yogurt For Hyperpigmentation
The magic remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation must include this combination of tomato, oatmeal, and yogurt. Oatmeal is used as a great natural scrubbing agent and helps to lighten and brighten the skin tone. The lycopene found in tomatoes is able to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, thus protecting the skin from hyperpigmentation. The lactic acid of yogurt is a natural bleaching property, which in turn helps to lighten the skin tone. So, how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with this remedy? Here is the recipe:
- A tomato
- 2 teaspoons of oatmeal
- ½ teaspoon of yogurt
With the aid of a blender, crush 1 tomato till a juice consistency is created. Strain to extract the juice afterward and to this juice, add two tablespoons of yogurt. Mix these well and now apply this mask on your pigmented areas. Leave your application on for around 15 minutes or more to dry naturally and finally, wash this mask off by using lukewarm water. To cure the problem of hyperpigmentation naturally, follow this process around 3 times in a week.
10. How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation With Almond & Milk Cream Remedy
The best remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation must consist of this combination. Milk cream contains lactic acid, which functions as a natural skin bleaching property that treats hyperpigmentation effectively. Almonds are crammed with natural fatty acids, which can nourish the dry skin causing hyperpigmentation. Besides, almond comes with Vitamin E and B2, copper, manganese, and biotin, which make it a potent cure for pigmentation on the skin.
See how to get rid of hyperpigmentation quickly with this remedy:
- One cup of almonds
- Two tablespoons of milk cream
- One cup of water
Soak these almonds overnight in one cup of water first and remove the skin off these almonds the next day. Then, put these almonds in a blender and blend them well until you have a smooth paste. Now pour this almond paste in a bowl and add two tbsp of milk cream to this. You need to mix these things well to have a paste and now apply this paste on your pigmented areas. Wash the area with lukewarm water after 12-15 minutes and pat your skin dry. You should repeat this natural treatment thrice in a week for one month to reduce the condition.
11. Use Lemon Juice, Honey & Fuller’s Earth
Fuller’s earth is a great gift of nature for the skin and hair care. Fuller’s earth contains the antiseptic abilities that are very helpful in different skin conditions including hyperpigmentation. Fuller’s earth is also rich in skin healing & skin brightening properties as well. Organic honey comes with skin moisturizing abilities, which help to soothe the skin burns caused by hyperpigmentation. Lemon juice is crammed with vitamin C so that it lightens the discolored skin. See how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally with this combination:
- One teaspoon of lemon juice
- One teaspoon of organic honey
- One teaspoon of fuller’s earth
First of all, in 1 small bowl, mix well the lemon juice, fuller’s earth and organic honey till they get one paste-like consistency. Presently, apply this paste on your discolored skin areas and let this pack dry naturally for at least five minutes. Afterward, wash this pack off by using lukewarm water and lastly pat dry your skin. Use this pack 2 times in a week for 1 month to deal with hyperpigmentation on the face as well as on the body.
12. Avocado Face Pack For Getting Rid Of Hyperpigmentation
Another magic remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation must include avocados. Avocados are very beneficial to help you remove hyperpigmentation since they are filled with fatty acids, oleic acid, and vitamin C. Moreover, because of its vitamin E and variety of enzymes, the fruit also reduces hyperpigmentation and dark spots. They help to maintain the skin’s firmness and nourish your skin from within as well.
- 1 avocado
- 1 spoon
Cut an avocado in half at first and later de-seed it. Now use a spoon to mash it well until it creates a smooth paste. Thereafter, apply this pack on your pigmented regions and leave the pack on for fifteen minutes or more. Finally, wash the areas with cold water and then pat the skin dry. To treat hyperpigmentation sooner, follow the natural tip thrice per week.
13. Use Carrot, Fuller’s Earth, Lemon & Orange Remedy
This face pack is also an excellent remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. Fuller’s earth in the pack owns skin-cooling agents, which are vital to battle the sunburns and the pigmented skin as well. Carrot is crammed with vitamin A and C and is also full of antioxidants. These properties prevent the skin from the damage of the sun and decrease skin pigments. Lemon juice lightens the skin tones while orange is enriched with multiple vitamins such as vitamin A and C that prevent the skin & the body from free radicals. See how to get rid of hyperpigmentation using this remedy:
- A carrot
- One teaspoon of Fuller’s earth
- An orange
- One teaspoon of lemon juice
Firstly, peel the orange along with the carrot. Later de-seed the orange and chop the carrot into blocks or slices. Thereafter add the chopped carrot into the blender and add the orange to this. Now blend them well together until they get a juice. Take the juice out into a bowl and add lemon juice and fuller’s earth to this mixture. Mix all these things well till it gets a smooth paste and now apply this resultant pack on your pigmented areas. Keep the pack on for five to ten minutes to naturally dry. Finally, with the help of some lukewarm water, wash the pack off & pat the skin dry. To fight hyperpigmentation on the face and the body, repeat the method twice per week for over one month.
14. How To Get Rid Of hyperpigmentation With Cocoa Butter Remedy
Generally, cocoa butter has been noted as a home remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation, dark spots, stretch marks, and skin blemishes naturally. Cocoa butter is often used in many creams, lotions, and pharmaceuticals. Cocoa butter is also extremely great source of antioxidant that helps to prevent the skin pigmentation and battle other skin infections as well. Cocoa butter also consists of vitamin E giving the skin protection from free radicals responsible for hyperpigmentation. How to get rid of hyperpigmentation with cocoa butter? The answer is given below:
- One teaspoon of cocoa butter
- Cotton balls
Take 1 cotton ball first and then dip it in the prepared cocoa butter. After that, apply this on the pigmented regions of face and body. Slightly massage the cocoa butter with the tips of the fingers for about six minutes in circular motions. After massaging, leave your application on for another 3 to 4 minutes. Finally, wash the area with the aid of lukewarm water & pat your skin dry. This treatment can be repeated 3 times per week for around 3 weeks to lighten the pigmented area.
15. Remove Hyperpigmentation With Cucumber, Lemon Juice, & Honey Remedy
Cucumber is able to lighten the skin pigmentation and fade the blemishes altogether. Cucumber is crammed with water content so that it can hydrate the skin cells and lighten the pigmented skin too. Moreover, it helps to battle other skin conditions such as acne problems, blemishes, and rough and dry skin. Being high in vitamin C, lemon juice can get rid of hyperpigmentation and even the skin tone. See how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with this remedy:
- Two teaspoons of honey
- Two tablespoons of cucumber juice
- Two teaspoons of lemon juice
Mix properly the cucumber juice, lemon juice together with honey. With the aid of the tips of the fingers, slightly massage this mixture on your pigmented areas for around 3 to 5 minutes. Keep leave your application on for another 5 to 10 minutes. Lastly, wash the regions with water and pat dry. To fade away hyperpigmentation, repeat the procedure 3-4 times per week.
16. Milk, Curd & Honey For Hyperpigmentation Removal
Honey is crammed with antibacterial features that can fade hyperpigmentation and helps to give a radiant glow to the skin while milk comes with lactic acid lightening skin tone and reducing the visibility of skin pigmentation and spots. Curd acts as a natural skin bleaching agent and lightens the skin pigmentation and age spots. Here’s how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally with this combination:
- Three tablespoons of milk
- One teaspoon of honey
- One tablespoon of curd
At first, you mix the ingredients including the milk, curd, and honey together in 1 bowl. Later immerse a cotton ball into the resultant mixture and now apply on your pigmented parts. Keep your application on for a gap of 16 and 20 minutes. It’s advisable to reapply this mask 3 times weekly to eliminate hyperpigmentation sooner.
17. How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation With Lemon Juice, Egg White & Brown Sugar Scrub
This is an amazing remedy to exfoliate, lighten and moisturize skin tone. A natural scrub with brown sugar gently exfoliates the skin, which in turns lightens the skin tone. Lemon juice in this amazing remedy packs vitamin C and comes with antioxidants, all of which help to combat. Whereas egg whites comprise anti-inflammatory features which reduce the redness in your pigmented regions. See how to get rid of hyperpigmentation using this scrub:
- One teaspoon of lemon juice
- One egg white
- Two tablespoons of brown sugar
At first, add the egg whites, brown sugar, and lemon juice into a bowl. Next, combine all these items well and now apply on the pigmented parts with this mixture. Slightly massage the skin with the aid of the fingertips in a circular motion. Don’t rub your the skin too hard because it can result in skin inflammation. Massage the skin lightly for five minutes or more prior to washing with water and lastly, pat your skin dry. If your skin is oily, use an oil-free moisturizer to moisturize the skin. Use this remedy two times a week for one month to decrease skin pigmentation.
18. Fade Hyperpigmentation With Turmeric, Gram Flour, Almond Oil, Lemon Juice & Milk
This combination is also a magic remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally. The antibacterial and antifungal abilities found in turmeric are able to protect the skin from blemishes, acne, and hyperpigmentation. You can use gram flour as a natural scrub, which exfoliates all the dead skin cells & lightens the skin tone at the same time. Milk can fade the blemishes as well as skin pigmentation thanks to its lactic acid. Almond oil is known as an excellent moisturizer and a natural skin healer while lemon juice comprises antioxidants and is packed with vitamin C too. Try this awesome treatment and banish hyperpigmentation with regular usage.
- Three tablespoons of gram flour
- One-quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder
- One teaspoon of milk
- One-half teaspoon of almond oil
- One-half teaspoon of lemon juice
The first step is to add the turmeric powder along with gram flour into 1 mixing bowl and mix these ingredients properly. Add the milk, lemon juice and almond oil to this dry mixture and mix all well till you have a smooth paste. Presently, apply this resultant mask on your pigmented area and keep your application on for about ten minutes or more. After that, wet your hands well by using clear water and massage this mask deep into the skin for around three minutes with the tips of the fingers. Use warm water to wash the area and pat dry afterward. It’s best to reapply this mask twice in one week for at least one month.
19. Use Banana, Honey & Milk Remedy
Honey is generally a natural cleanser so that it deeply cleanses the skin while milk is crammed with lactic acid, which is able to protect the skin from impurities, & bleaches the skin lightly. Banana is known to be a natural exfoliating property, which slightly exfoliates the dead skin cells. This will provide lighter, smoother and fresher skin tone. Below is a recipe that describes you on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with this combination:
- One banana
- One teaspoon of milk
- One-quarter teaspoon of honey
Peel the banana first and later mash the peeled banana using the back of the spoon. Late take one-quarter of the mashed banana and now transfer it to 1 mixing bowl. To the mashed banana, add the honey and mix well. Presently apply this combination on your pigmented parts and wait for fifteen minutes or more. Use some lukewarm water to wash the area & pat the skin dry. You can easily fade the skin pigmentation by repeating this method once daily for one month.
20. Papaya, Aloe Vera, Milk & Honey For Removing Hyperpigmentation
This simple process helps to promote the skin renewal process, which results in faster skin lightening. Also, it possesses antioxidants which prevent the skin from impurities. Aloe vera is a natural cleanser that cleans the skin deeply and heals the skin as well while papaya has an enzyme named papaya, which eases the dead skin cells efficiently. Honey in this cure cleanses the skin’s pores & leaves the skin glowing at one time while milk is able to lighten the skin tone and moisturizes it. You can have a blemish free and a younger looking skin by trying this awesome remedy. Here is the remedy:
- One papaya
- One tablespoon of honey
- Two tablespoons of milk
- One tablespoon of aloe vera gel
Firstly, scoop out the pulp from the papaya with the aid of a spoon and take 2 tablespoons of the papaya pulp in a bowl. Next, add the honey, aloe vera gel and milk to this papaya pulp and combine well all these ingredients until you gain a paste like consistency. Presently, apply this resulting mask on the pigmented parts and wait for 15 or more before washing with warm water. Finally, you pat your skin dry. To reduce and banish hyperpigmentation totally, follow the home treatment once each day for three weeks.
21. Olive Oil For Hyperpigmentation Removal
Olive oil remedy is also an excellent answer to the question how to get rid of hyperpigmentation. Olive oil can lighten the skin pigmentation and even keep the skin well hydrated since it comes with anti-inflammatory abilities. This remedy will also leave the skin blemish free and glowing. See how to get rid of hyperpigmentation using olive oil:
- One cup of warm water
- Two or three teaspoons of olive oil
- a white muslin cloth
Take the olive oil first and later massage the oil on your pigmented areas for around 3 to 4 minutes with the aid of your fingertips. Now dip your white muslin cloth to the lukewarm water (1 cup) and allow it to soak in the water for roughly 2 to 3 minutes. Then, you remove the excess water. Later, you stay the cloth onto this oil-massaged region. Next, you can leave the cloth on there for ten minutes or more and wipe the oil-massaged region to eliminate any trace of oil with the same cloth. Thereafter, you wash the region with lukewarm water & lightly pat the skin dry. The olive oil remedy can be repeated once each day for three weeks to remove hyperpigmentation in no time.
22. Use Honey & Mustard Seed Face Pack
Typically, honey can help to moisturize the skin while mustard seeds make the excellent natural scrub for hyperpigmentation and lighten the dark spots and blemishes. See how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with this pack:
- One teaspoon of honey
- One tablespoon of mustard seeds
- One teaspoon of fuller’s earth
- One teaspoon of milk
Firstly, take a blender and put the honey, mustard seeds and milk in it. Later grind this mixture well to get a fine paste and take the paste out in a bowl. Then, add the fuller’s earth to this and mix well. Presently, apply this resulting pack on your pigmented regions and leave this pack to dry naturally for a gap of 5 and 8 minutes. Lastly, you use some lukewarm water to wash this pack off & gently pat your skin dry. This condition will be eliminated quickly by repeating this process twice per week for three weeks.
23. How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation With Mint Leaves Face Mask
This is also a magic remedy on how to get rid of hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and blemishes in most effective way. Owing to its skin healing properties, mint leaves help to treat hyperpigmentation effectively.
- Around 5 to 10 mint leaves
- A blender
- A bowl
- Cotton balls
At first, grind these mint leaves with the aid of a blender and later extract the juice. Then, transfer the mint leave juice into a bowl. Thereafter, you dip the cotton ball prepared to this mint juice and apply the juice all over the pigmented areas. Keep the excellent mask for fifteen minutes on the area. Lastly, wash the pigmented areas using lukewarm water & pat dry. The remedy should be used once each day until the pigmented parts have lightened completely.
24. Milk Peel & Orange Remedy
Generally speaking, this mask functions as a skin lightening property, especially because of the presence of Vitamin C in oranges. This can help to decrease the hyperpigmentation and makes skin brighter and glowing. Raw milk also works well in lightening the pigmented regions. Here’s how to get rid of hyperpigmentation with this combination:
- One tablespoon of raw milk
- One tablespoon of orange peel powder
Prepare a smooth paste by mixing well the raw milk and orange peel powder. Later you apply this smooth paste to your pigmented parts and you can wait for 10 to 18 minutes. Use lukewarm water to wash the areas afterward & pat the skin dry. To treat the hyperpigmentation, follow the natural treatment twice in a week for around 3 weeks.
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Natural home remedies are considered among the most effective, long lasting and affordable options to cure the hyperpigmentation at home. After using the above methods, if your condition is not improved, then consult a dermatologist. You can read more all the articles related to skin problems by visiting our main Skin Care page.