Full thick eyebrows are a late trend in the beauty industry and are a common dream of many women. Thick eyebrows improve your look while sparse and thin eyebrows make you look dull and older. You can easily solve your thin eyebrows with the help of natural home remedies for thicker eyebrows below.
Top 25 Natural Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows
There are a lot of products available in the stores or market such as hair growth lotions, makeup products or hair growth products that promise to make your eyebrows appear thicker. But these products are expensive. Instead, you can try some tips and natural remedies for getting thicker and long eyebrows. A bunch of effective home remedies for thicker eyebrows has been collected by Beauty Talk to help you achieve positive results. Without commercial products, it’s totally possible to help the eyebrows grow naturally and faster. Let’s check out!
1. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Aloe Vera
Aloe vera nourishes the hair follicles for enhancing thicker hair growth faster because it consists of enzymes and moisturizing properties. Know here how to get thicker eyebrows with aloe vera:
Option 1:
You need to prepare:
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- 1 aloe vera leaf
- 1 knife
The first step is taking a leaf of aloe vera and slitting it with a knife. The next step is removing the pulp from it and pouring the pulp into a small bowl. Take a small quantity of this pulp on your fingers and gently massage in on your eyebrows. Continue massaging it for around 1 to 2 minutes in gentle circular motions. Let the application dry for 25 – 30 minutes and afterward, rinse it off using lukewarm water. Repeat the process one time daily for about 3 to 4 weeks for getting thicker eyebrow.
Option 2:
You need to prepare:
- ½ teaspoon of aloe vera gel
- ¼ teaspoon of honey
Mix the aloe vera gel with the honey in a small bowl to make a paste. Start applying on your eyebrows with this paste and leave this application to dry for around 20-25 minutes. Thereafter, wash it off using lukewarm water and finally, pat your skin dry. You should repeat this process once each day for about four weeks to achieve thicker eyebrows.
Learn more other benefits of aloe vera
2. Use Raw Milk
According to an article posted on Live Strong, applying milk to your eyebrows can aid in generating faster growth [1]. Milk is rich in proteins and nutrients so that it improves hair growth and nourishes hair roots. Here is how to get thicker eyebrows with raw milk:
Things you need:
- 2 teaspoons of raw milk
- 1 cotton ball
At first, soak a clean cotton ball in the raw milk and later apply over your eyebrows with the soaked cotton ball. Gently massage the area for 1-2 minutes using that milk saturated cotton ball. Let it dry for around 15-20 minutes and wash off using plain water. Lastly, pat the skin dry. To attain thicker eyebrows, repeat this process one time every day.
3. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Hibiscus Flowers
Many recent studies have indicated that hibiscus flowers [2] can enhance hair growth. Besides, its leaves work wonder because they consist of a slightly upper hand. So, how to get thicker eyebrows with the flowers:
Things you need:
- 1 hibiscus flower
- Mortar and Pestle
The first step is taking a mortar & pestle and adding in the hibiscus flower. The following step is grinding this flower to make a fine paste. Then, start applying this applying this paste on your eyebrows. Use warm water to wash off this paste after 25-30 minutes and pat dry. It’s advisable to repeat this process once every day for thicker eyebrows.
4. Onion Juice Remedy
A study found that onion juice can induce hair growth and treat alopecia areata [3]. Onions are enriched with sulfur, which stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Hence, one of the great home remedies for thicker eyebrows is using onion juice. Know here how to get thicker eyebrows with this juice:
Things you need:
- 1 medium onion
- 1 cotton ball
- 1 blender
- 1 strainer
The initial step is peeling the onion skin and cutting it into big chunks. The following step is adding these chunks into a blender and blending them for 1-2 minutes to get a smooth paste. Then, pour this resultant paste into the strainer and after that, extract the onion juice. Take the cotton ball and soak it in that freshly extracted onion juice. Start applying it over the eyebrows and let it dry for around 10 to 15 minutes. Use plain water to rinse off this onion juice and finally, pat the skin dry. Use this remedy once daily for attaining thick eyebrows.
Besides, onion juice is also a great remedy for hair loss
5. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Castor Oil
According to the author of the book “Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach To Health”, Reenita Malholtra, castor oil is a popular treatment for eyebrow growth, and it’s used widely in Ayurvedic beauty care altogether. This oil composes of proteins, vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids, which boost eyebrow growth. Apart from that, this oil resists any microorganisms hampering eyebrow hair growth. Here’s how to get thicker eyebrows using this oil:
You need to prepare:
- ½ teaspoon of castor oil
- 1 cotton swab
Take the cotton swab at first and later saturate it the castor oil. Begin applying the saturated cotton swab over your eyebrows and gently massage the area for 1-2 minutes in circular motions with your fingertips. Leave this oil application overnight and wash off with warm water & a mild soap the next day. This process must be followed once daily for about 3 to 4 weeks for visible results. Another common use of castor oil is for treating boils.
6. Use Olive Oil
Olive oil has been used for attaining thicker eyebrows and promoting hair growth since the ancient times. Being packed with vitamin E, olive oil promotes eyebrow growth naturally. Here’s how to get thicker eyebrows with olive oil:
Things you need:
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil
- A mild cleanser
- Warm water
The first step is heating olive oil (1 tsp.) to lukewarm temperature. The following step is applying this lukewarm olive oil on your eyebrows and massaging gently for around 30-40 seconds. Keep this application on overnight and wash off using warm water & a mild cleanser the next day. Try following this process once every day to gain full and thicker eyebrows. Plus, olive oil can treat scalp psoriasis.
7. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Lemon Juice
Generally, lemon juice can make eyebrows grow thicker, thus enhancing your beauty. Lemon juice is packed with folic acid, vitamins C and B as well as other nutrients, all of which promote the eyebrow growth. Below are simple ways to use lemon juice:
Option 1:
Things you need:
- 1 lemon slice
- Warm water
Take the lemon slice and rub it over your eyebrows. Keep this juice on for around 15-20 minutes and afterward, rinse the application with warm water. Repeat this remedy once every day to enhance your eyebrows.
Option 2:
Things you need:
- 1 lemon
- ¼ cup of coconut oil
Firstly, peel and slice a lemon and put these sliced peels into the coconut oil. Let this solution stay for a minimum of 2 weeks in a dry, cool place. After that, use a cotton ball to apply it on the eyebrows nightly prior to your bedtime. Finally, wash it off the following day. Try this remedy once daily.
Alternatively, put the sliced peels of 1 lemon into 1/4 cup of coconut oil. Allow the solution to sit for at least 15 days in a cool, dry place. Once ready, apply it on your eyebrows using a cotton ball every night before going to bed. Wash it off the next morning.
See more: Lemon beauty benefits for your skin and hair
8. Fenugreek Seeds Remedy
It has been indicated in a study that fenugreek seeds contain phytoestrogens that is believed to enhance hair growing process [4]. Being loaded with lecithin and nicotinic acid [5], fenugreek seeds are very useful for strengthening the hair follicle and enhancing hair growth. The method is:
Things we need:
- ½ teaspoon of fenugreek seeds
- ¼ cup of water
Take the fenugreek seeds and water in a small bowl and let these seeds soak in the water all night. Add these seeds into a blender the next day and then, blend till you attain a smooth paste. Start applying this paste on your eyebrows and let it dry for around 35-40 minutes. Finally, use plain water to rinse off this application thoroughly. Repeat this process three times weekly for attaining thick eyebrows.
9. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Macadamia Nut Oil
According to Live Strong, a site about hair care, Macadamia Natural Oil shows that macadamia nut oil aids in preventing against hair breakage well by penetrating the hair follicles and scalp to improve hair elasticity and strength [6]. This oil moisturizes the eyebrow hair to promote hair growth. Try the process below:
You need to prepare:
- ¼ teaspoon of macadamia nut oil
- 1 cotton ball
The first step is heating this oil to a lukewarm temperature. The next step is soaking the clean cotton in the warm oil. After that, apply it to your eyebrows using this cotton ball and leave it overnight. Afterward, use warm water & a mild cleanser to wash off this oil. Repeat this process once every day for achieving long and thicker eyebrows.
10. Coconut Oil Remedy
Coconut oil consists of multiple essential proteins and nutrients such as vitamin E and iron, which promote the thick, healthy and dark eyebrows. Along with that, it is good for healthy hair growth thanks to its vitamin E & essential saturated fatty acids. This oil also contains the lauric acid that acts as an antimicrobial property, which inhibits the infection of hair follicles. As a result, this protects the brows from damage and stimulates them to grow fast. Here’s how to get thicker eyebrows with coconut oil at home:
Things you need:
- Several drops of coconut oil
- Warm water
Take the coconut oil and warm it. Then, put the warm coconut oil on the fingertips and start applying it on your eyebrows. Slightly massage for a couple of minutes to enhance blood circulation and leave it on all night. Finally, rinse the application using warm water the next morning. Try this remedy every day for around 1-2 months for visible results.
See more: How to use coconut oil for hair growth and thickness
11. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Egg Yolk
Generally, an egg yolk contains many nutrients that keep the body and hair stay healthy. Particularly, egg yolk helps to grow thick eyebrows faster because it is rich in keratin protein. Here is how to get thicker eyebrows using the egg yolk:
Things you need:
- 1 egg
- 1 cotton swab
Break the egg at first and later separate the yolk part. Then, beat this egg yolk with a fork for around 1-2 minutes. Take the cotton swab and soak it into the egg yolk. Afterward, apply this cotton swab directly on your eyebrows and leave it to dry for about 20-25 minutes. Use cold water to wash off this application and pat your skin dry. Repeat this process two times weekly for getting thicker eyebrows.
12. Use Flaxseed Oil
Ann Louise Gittleman, author of the book “Super Nutrient For Women” shows that hair loss, dry and brittle hair are signs of an essential fatty acid deficiency. Flaxseed oil can help you gain thick and fuller eyebrows because it is high in essential fatty acids. Know here how to get thicker eyebrows with this oil:
Things you need:
- ½ teaspoon of flaxseed oil
- 1 cotton swab
At first, dip the clean cotton swab in the flaxseed oil and later apply it on your eyebrows. For best results, leave this application overnight. Wash off this oil using warm water the next day and pat your skin dry. Try following this process once every day for getting thick eyebrows.
13. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Almond Oil
Almond oil [7] can nourish hair and enhance hair growth because it is loaded with fatty acids such as Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Besides, it is rich in vitamin A, B & E as well as magnesium. Thus, the list of the best home remedies for thicker eyebrows must include this remedy. You can follow the steps below:
Things you need:
- Almond oil
Take a little almond oil and then massage it into the eyebrows in circular motions. Keep this application on all night and in the morning, wash it off. You need to apply this oil daily for best results.
14. Jojoba Oil Remedy
Jojoba oil has the capacity to make eyebrows grow faster by nourishing and unclogging hair follicles. Apart from that, it gives hair a natural shine by sealing and protecting it. How to get thicker eyebrows with jojoba oil? Just follow the detailed steps below:
Things you need:
- Several drops of jojoba oil
Take the jojoba oil and massage it into your eyebrows. Keep your application overnight and in the morning, wash your face as normal. For quick results, use it daily.
15. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Vitamin E Oil
Typically, vitamin E oil can strengthen fragile hair and promote hair growth altogether. Particularly, it contains an antioxidant named tocotrienol [8] and helps to decrease any stress which may be preventing your hair growth. Here’s how to get thicker eyebrows using vitamin E oil:
Things you need:
- Vitamin E capsules
Take the capsules of vitamin E and break open them to collect their oil. Afterward, apply this oil on your eyebrows and massage slightly for several minutes. Keep it in overnight and the next day, wash your face. For best results, apply this oil nightly before your bedtime.
16. Rosemary Essential Oil Remedy
In her book “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils,” Julia Lawless lists some of beneficial rosemary oil's properties as a tonic, stimulating, restorative, carminative, antiseptic, antioxidant, analgesic, astringent and antimicrobial. Rosemary oil dilates blood vessels and stimulates cell division, thereby stimulating hair growth. Here is how to get thicker eyebrows naturally with this oil:
Things you need:
- Several drops of rosemary essential oil
- A tbsp. of olive or jojoba oil
First of all, add the prepared rosemary oil to the olive or jojoba oil. Use this concoction to massage gently you eyebrows. Keep it on all night and in the morning, wash using a face wash. You can use this remedy daily or on alternate days.
17. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Tea Tree Oil
If you’re losing hair due to a scalp condition such as dandruff or clogged follicles, tea tree oil can help to eliminate the dead skin, rid the scalp of bacteria and fungi and improve healthy hair growth. Here is how to get thicker eyebrows with this oil:
Things you need:
- 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil
- 2 tbsp. of carrier oil
The first step is mixing the tea tree oil and the carrier oil together. The next step is massaging this mixture into your eyebrows. Keep it on all night and repeat this remedy nightly for best results.
See more: How to use tea tree oil for hair growth
18. Lavender Essential Oil Remedy
According to Live Strong, a study conducted by a group of dermatologists in Scotland indicated that massaging the scalp every day with lavender & other essential oils had a great effect on alopecia patients [9]. The remedy is:
Things you need:
- 1 to 2 tbsp. of jojoba or olive oil
- Several drops of lavender essential oil
Firstly, add the lavender oil to the prepared carrier oil. Then, massage this mixture into the eyebrows and leave it on an entire night. In the morning, wash it off by using a mild face wash. This remedy should be used daily for faster results.
19. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Sesame Seed Oil
Generally, sesame oil improves the blood circulation on your scalp. This oil contains a high penetration capability that helps to promote the growth of hair. Here is how to get thicker eyebrows using sesame seed oil:
Things you need:
- Several drops of sesame oil
- A mild face wash
- Cold water
Take the sesame oil and massage it into your eyebrows. Leave it on all night and afterward, was off with the aid of a mild face wash & cold water. Follow this remedy daily to thicken your eyebrows fast. Besides, sesame oil can also deal with dry scalp.
20. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Curry Leaves
Being rich in antioxidants, curry leaves moisturize the scalp and remove the dead hair follicles. Besides, they can prevent hair loss thanks to their proteins and beta-carotene. So, this remedy acts as one of the excellent home remedies for thicker eyebrows. Here’s the method:
Things you need:
- 1 cup of warm water
- Some curry leaves
The first step is crushing the curry leaves and soaking them in the warm water for a couple of hours. Then, strain the leaves and begin applying this concoction to the eyebrows. Keep it on all night and wash it off in the morning. Use this remedy 3-4 times weekly. Additionally, curry leaves make a great solution for damaged hair.
21. Coconut Oil, Lemon Juice, Lime Juice & Tea Tree Oil Tonic
Basically, this homemade tonic will promote the eyebrow growth effectively. Both lemon and lime juice contain the acidity that cleanses the area and flushes oil build-up out of clogged pores.
This homemade eyebrow growth tonic will stimulate the growth of your brows to a great extent. The acidity present in lemon aids in cleansing the area and removing the buildup of oil from the clogged skin pores. Tea tree oil helps to promote the fresh growth of hair while coconut oil is beneficial for nourishing the hair follicles and skin.
Things you need:
- 4 tbsp. of organic coconut oil
- 1 tsp. of lemon juice
- 1 tsp. of lime juice
- 1 tsp. of tea tree oil
Take all the above ingredients and pour them into a glass bottle. Close the cap tightly and give it a shake. Use a cotton ball to dab some of this mixture on the eyebrows. Afterward, rinse after 30 minutes with plain water. This process can be repeated one to two times daily.
See more: Beauty benefits of coconut oil for skin, hair, and uses
22. Home Remedies For Thicker Eyebrows With Petroleum Jelly Remedy
Petroleum jelly has the ability to moisturize the skin under the eyebrows and nourish it as well. It also encourages the growth of shiny and healthy hair. Know here how to get thicker eyebrows with this remedy:
Things you need:
- Petroleum jelly
Take some petroleum jelly and apply on your eyebrows. Keep it on all night and in the morning, rinse using tepid water. Follow this remedy nightly for visible results. People with acne-prone skin should avoid this remedy.
See more: Natural DIY hair masks for hair growth
23. Sesame Oil, Rosemary Oil & Lemon Juice Blend
This natural blend is easy to prepare at home. It boosts the growth of the eyebrows. Thus, this is one of the great home remedies for thicker eyebrows. Here is how to get thicker eyebrows with this blend:
Things you need:
- ½ tablespoon of lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
- 5-6 drops of rosemary essential oil
At first, mix all these ingredients well and later apply this resultant blend to your eyebrows using a clean cotton ball. After 30 minutes, wash it off. For quick results, follow this remedy two times daily.
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All the above-mentioned home remedies are naturally and give guaranteed results in enhancing eyebrow growth. Use them on a daily basis and notice the difference. For other informative articles, you can visit our main DIY Beauty page. If you know other natural home remedies for thicker eyebrows, share with us by leaving a comment below.