Top 12 Simple Things Women With Wonderful Hair Do Daily

Do you want to get great hair every day? Of course, I am sure that your answer will be “Yes”. It is a daunting task to get great hair whenever you wake up. There are many elements which will assist you in having great hair. However, many factors can also easily damage it. And the secret of women with great hair is that they don't just wake up as normally. To maintain great hair, they must do many things. In this writing, will show you top 12 simple things women with wonderful hair do daily. The following writing collected information from reliable sources. Keep reading this article to understand more!

Top 12 Simple Things Women With Wonderful Hair Do Daily

1. They Always Sleep On Pillows Made Of Silk

things women with wonderful hair do daily

This is the first tip in the list of top 12 things women with wonderful hair do daily that I want to show you. The pillows and towels that you use to sleep actually will have an important impact on hair. Hence, it is essential to opt for your pillows and towels wisely. Pillows made of silk are recommended to be best for your hair because they will not make your hair cuticle rough up as when you use cotton pillows and thereby giving you with smoother hair.

2. They Avoid Wearing Ponytail

Most of the women like using a pony to wear their hair in order to keep it out of their face. However, wearing the ponytail so every day is horrid for the hair! If you wear the ponytail, it will make a consistent pressure into the same place in the hair shaft, and thereby weaken your hair over time and prevent growth. Moreover, if you wear a tight pony each day, it will give more negative impact on your hair. Hence, you'd better use a bobby pin to secure your hair back, or try using a cloth-coated rubber band and then wear it looser than normal. You should also wear the hair back on other various places on your head. For example, let wearing your hair at a high place on your head instead of wearing it at a low place as you do daily and vice versa. And this will help in displacing the regular damage, which occurs to your hair in the usual spot.

3. They Condition Your Hair Regularly

things women with wonderful hair do daily

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Many people want to find a conditioner that is suitable for their hair and it is worth your effort of trying out some conditioners till you find the appropriate conditioner for your hair. If you own particularly frizzy hair, let try using a leave-in serum or conditioner. Or if you use a conditioner which needs washing off, you should leave it in the hair for several minutes before washing it off. You have to remember that the hair conditioner is only to be applied to the bottom half of hair, not to the scalp.

4. They Oil Their Hair 2 Or 3 Times Per Week

One of the simple things women with wonderful hair do daily is applying natural oils onto their hair. Massaging your hair with gentle oil 2 or 3 times a week will assist you in stimulating blood which supplies to your scalp as well as soothes it. Oil also has the ability to strengthen your hair shaft, reduce dryness and make your hair less prone to develop split ends. For the best results, you should use a hot towel to cover your hair after applying the oil to help your hair strengthen further.

5. They Avoid Brushing Their Hair While It Is Wet

things women with wonderful hair do daily

Do you know that when your hair is wet, it will be stretched and tend to break? Hence, you should not brush your hair too much if it is still wet. Many experts say that brushing your hair 100 strokes per day will make it smoother but it will only lead to breakage to hair.

When you brush your hair, let try using a natural bristle brush as a boar bristle brush. This will brush oils throughout hair to help it shinier and softer and. Remember that you should only use a wide-tooth comb when your hair is wet.

Keep reading this article about 12 things women with wonderful hair do daily to get more information!

6. They Avoid Heat-Styling Devices When Their Hair Is Wet

Styling devices like hair dryers and straightening tongs tend to heat the hair shaft. If they are used on wet hair, they generate bubbles inside the hair shaft, which dry up the hair shaft and make it prone to easily split ends. If you want to use any styling device, you should wait for a few minutes until your hair becomes naturally dry and then apply a protective serum layer on your hair before you use the device.

The most heat from hair dryers and straighteners which you use every day will simply age hair as well as leave it frazzled. To sum up, if you want to have great hair as your friend, you had better limit the use of heated tools. Using styling tools for only 1 or 2 days per week is one of 12 things women with wonderful hair do daily. Let applying this way to get the best results.

7. They Say “No” With Smoke

things women with wonderful hair do daily

You had better quit smoking now if you want to have good hair for your life.

Smoking is known as one of the worst things that you could ever do for hair. Smoking will dry your hair out, make it stink as well as increase breakage. Under no circumstance, cigarette smoke is terribly toxic, and as most women know, secondhand smoke may give lung cancer to people around you. Besides, it can also create a horrible atmosphere for hair. Let’s be honest, you can be able to avoid submitting others to secondhand smoke but there is no choice for your hair. I hope you will quit smoking for your health purposes alone. However, you should remember that if you choose to smoke, you are not doing your hair any favors as well as there is no healthy product on the market which can undo the damage caused by your daily smoking habit.

8. They Choose A Professional Haircut

You should splash out and cure yourself instead of opting for a cheaper hairdresser. If you own a great hairstyle, you may let your hair naturally dry and use less styling tools, which can help in keeping your hair shiny and healthy. When you have a haircut, you should consider styling and the weather to assist you in ending up with a hairstyle that makes you happy.

9. They Get Trims Regularly

things women with wonderful hair do daily

Hair always looks great after you have it cut. It will naturally appear more voluminous, thicker, and you will see a lovely finish instead of split ends, which will give hair bounce. Besides, split ends may travel up your hair shaft that makes your hair look totally wild and frizzy quickly. Let having trims every 6 or 8 weeks in order to prevent this condition.

10. They Use New Styling Tools

If you are a girl who has never cleaned the hair brush out or even you are constantly using a hair straightener without cleaning it up, you are doing a stupid thing that damages your hair. Your brush may actually have a ton of germs containing in it and if you do not clean it out after you use, you could bring those germs into your hair! You should also remember to do that with your other styling tools like combs, flat irons, and curling wands.

11. They Eat Healthy Foods

things women with wonderful hair do daily

This is one of 12 things women with wonderful hair do daily. Essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fatty acids , can help you promote healthy skin, nails, and hair. Here are some of the healthy foods, which are high in omega-3 which you should consume every day to get great hair:

  • Salmon, mackerel, tuna, and other fatty fishes
  • Flax seed oil
  • almonds, Walnuts, and milk
  • Vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid are essential for your hair. You may always take a multivitamin to have more of these nutrients. However, you may also add foods high in these vitamins to your daily meals:
  • Vitamin B6: bananas, spinach, and potatoes (both white and sweet)
  • Vitamin B12: meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products.
  • Folic acid: tomatoes, citrus fruits, fortified grain whole grain and products, lentils and beans
  • Protein also stimulates healthy hair. Hence, let eating a daily serving of chicken, fish, eggs or soy
12. She Avoids Exposing To The Sun

The sun may damage your hair as your skin if it is not protected. Hence, you have to make sure that you try and avoid directly exposing to the sunlight. It will not only age your look and dry your hair out but it may also damage the sensitive scalp too. So, always remember to wear a hat and use a hair SPF spray when you go out and expose to the sun.

If you want to know more about natural and effective tips for other hair problems and conditions, go to our main Hair Care page. After reading the article of top 12 things women with wonderful hair do daily, hope that it can help you find out the best tip to get great hair fast and easily. If you have any question, or you know other tips to get great hair, please leave it below.

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