There is an advice that you should drink coffee every single day, which gives you an effectively working day. In this writing, Beauty Talk will give you the detailed reasons why you need to drink coffee every single day. Spend a little time reading this article to understand more about the advantages of coffee because they are really helpful for you.
17 Reasons You Need To Drink Coffee Every Single Day
Coffee is actually a common beverage for many years. It is not amazing that there is not an adult who never tried coffee on over the world. Coffee is consumed anywhere and almost of people say that “I love caffeine”. So, what makes coffee become popular like that?
Coffee contains beneficial nutrients and anti- oxidants that help to improve your health. To support this idea, many studies have been conducted and showed that people who drink coffee frequently have a lower risk of some serious diseases. Coffee is an amazing source for your brain, skin and body. Even its thought and smell can be enough to wake the most much- sleeping people out of bed. Coffee also contributes to the success of countless professionals and inspires the passion for many people to create and fulfill their works.
1. Coffee Wakes You Up
Coffee can wake you up for a long time which is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day. You actually hear that coffee can keep you awake and it is really a true vision. Coffee contains a quite large amount of caffeine that helps consumers awake. It is estimated that there are 95 milligrams of caffeine in brewed and drip coffee in average, 2 milligrams decaffeinated and 62 milligrams in an instant. The National Institutes of Health indicates that caffeine is metabolic and also a central nervous system stimulant that provides more energy and improves your alertness. So Coffee help you to focus on work and do more effectively.
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It is a good idea to start a day with a cup of coffee each morning. Drinking coffee in the morning or before working is a routine of many people. Even when they don’t drink any coffee, they feel that they can’t work well.
In only less than 10 minutes, a cup of coffee is ready and you can feel alert and comfortable after taking it in. A working day may become easier than its reality. It is the reason why you need to drink coffee every single day.
2. Coffee Makes You Smarter
Coffee also makes you smarter which is another of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day. This helpfulness of coffee also relates to caffeine. When drinking coffee, the caffeine of it will travel into the digestive system, go along with bloodstream and then reach your brain. This procedure takes about 30 to 45 minutes. As caffeine hits your brain, it will block Adenosine that is one of the inhibitory neuro- transmitters. This help to increase other neuro- transmitters then makes the brain neurons to fire more quickly. All these neurons and chemicals conglomerate to boost your energy, memory, mood, response times, and other cognitive functioning.
People often drink coffee when they are sleep-deprived. It not only keeps you awake but also makes you sharper. According to some research, coffee makes your brains work in a much more effective and smarter ways. Plus, when you are sleep- deprived and take coffee in, reaction time, attention, vigilance and logical reasoning will be improved. That means your intelligence is also improved.
3. Coffee Provides Important Nutrients
Another of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day is that coffee has a lot of antioxidants and other important ingredients such as vitamin B2, B3, B5, Magnesium, Manganese, and Potassium.
A cup of coffee often contains these contents of ingredients:
- Riboflavin(Vitamin B2): 11%
- Pantothenic Acid(Vitamin B5): 6%
- Magnesiumand Niacin (B3): 2%
- Manganeseand Potassium: 3%
Although a cup of coffee contains a big deal of nutrients, people also drink more than 1 cup a day. So they may get much more nutritious factors from coffee.
Plus, Fruits and vegetables are known as the sources supplying tons of antioxidants. But a study conducted in 2005 showed that “Nothing else comes close to proving as many antioxidants as coffee. That means your body will absorb more healthy sources from coffee than it does from anything else.
4. Coffee Helps To Ward Off Depression
It is not strange, particularly that coffee helps decrease the depression, which is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day. According to some research, people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day have a 20% lower chance of being depressed. A decade-long study that was conducted among thousands of female drinking coffee showed a decreased risk of depression. The caffeine that is maintained much in coffee raises dopamine in your brain. Dopamine is known as the “pleasure chemical” that makes you feel happier and less depressed. In other words, coffee not only makes you feel more alert in a few minutes but also boosts your long-term happiness.
Additionally, people who drink coffee are over 50% less likely to commit suicide! It is the result of a research conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health that if you drink from 2 to 4 cups of coffee a day, the risk of suicide can be decreased to about 50%. The main reason is that coffee can act as a mild anti- depressant. It aids in the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline. By anyway, drinking coffee is a way to save your life. It is also the reason why you need to drink coffee every single day. So, we are not actually sure if this means you should keep a wrap of roasted coffee beans with you anytime, but feel free to try!
5. Coffee Keeps The Brain Healthier For Longer
Due to the effects of caffeine on some of the brain’s neurotransmitters, coffee helps people to enhance memory.
And if you continually enhance your memory over time, you can reduce the chance for dementia and Alzheimer’s. People who drink coffee have as much as 65% reduced the risk of developing the some common neurodegenerative disease. Therefore, it keeps the brain healthier for a long time which is another of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
The experts from the University of Miami and South Florida and the University indicated that people who were older than 65 and had higher blood levels of caffeine had the ability to get Alzheimer's disease two to four years later than others with lower caffeine. They also said that moderate coffee consumption doesn’t completely protect people’s brains but it can appreciably decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or other diseases related to brains.
6. Coffee Gives A Healthier Liver
Cancer may be the most dangerous disease that now people can’t control and leads to many death. It is impossible to treat cancer, but people should have a balanced diet and reasonable lifestyle to protect them from cancer.
Coffee is known as a protective factor that helps people against some types of cancer such as liver cancer, skin cancer, and other diseases which is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
Coffee plays an important role to keep your liver stay healthier. Unlike other alcohols, drinking coffee every day also improves your liver. It has been investigated that people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day have 80% lower rate of cirrhosis of the liver. And people who drink the same amount also have a 40% lower rate of developing liver cancer.
Liver cirrhosis is an autoimmune disease that is caused by the excessive alcohol consumption. It is so serious that it can lead to liver failure and liver cancer. A research conducted in 2006 among 125,000 people over 22 years indicated that people who drink average one cup of coffee one day were 20% less to develop liver cirrhosis. Consuming coffee may have some protective benefits that are against alcoholic cirrhosis. It means that the more coffee a person drinks, the less risk they can have to be hospitalized or died of alcoholic cirrhosis.
Moreover, the studies have also shown that coffee can help people to prevent the development of the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The researchers advised that consuming more coffee of tea a day can be beneficial in protecting your body from the progression of Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease.
7. Coffee Reduces The Risks Of Skin Cancer
When the environment is becoming more and more polluted, protecting skin is also more and more important. Skin cancer is known as the most serious disease- related skin. Besides some physical methods, you can learn more about this way to prevent your skin from this cancer.
A study conducted on more than 100,000 people including men and women along with 20 years and found that women who drink three or more cups of coffee a day are much less likely to develop skin cancer than those who don't. That means coffee, of course, can’t treat skin cancer, but it helps you to prevent the appearance of this cancer. So it is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
8. Coffee Lowers The Risk Of Stroke
Your heart, one of the hardest working parts of your body, has to beat over 4000 times per hour. You need to take care of your heart by adjusting your lifestyle. You should drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee to keep your heart in tip-top shape. This can reduce the risk of clogged arteries or heart attacks since it decreases the levels of coronary artery calcium. So, it is also another of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
Many people suppose that caffeine in coffee can increase blood pressure. This is true but the effect is just small. It will also go away if you drink coffee regularly. There were studies that improved that coffee doesn’t raise the risk of heart diseases, but help people to decrease the rate of this disease.
Plus, people who drink coffee regularly have 20% less risk of stroke. It is because that if caffeine increases the heart rate, coffee is very good for cardiovascular. However, it is unavoidable that the effect can occur to some people, so be careful if you have elevated blood pressure. It is the next reason why you need to drink coffee every single day.
To conclude, coffee may lead to mild increases in blood pressure, which generally diminish over time. And you should remember that coffee does not increase the risk of heart disease, but lowers the risk of stroke instead.
9. Coffee Fights Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is always a worry of women. According to a study conducted in 2015, drinking 2 or more cups of coffee a day can stop breast cancer in its tracks. Its properties can inhibit tumor growth and decrease the risk of recurrence. The caffeine with other acids of coffee makes affected cells become more sensitive to cure.
It is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
10. Coffee Lessens The Parkinson’s Symptoms
Parkinson’s is related to a drop in dopamine. And because caffeine increases dopamine levels in the brain, drinking coffee can reduce the chances of developing Parkinson’s. People who drink coffee regularly have as much as 32 to 60% reduced chance getting this disease. Therefore, it is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
Newspapers published in 2012 gave a scientific research result that drinking coffee can help patients with Parkinson's disease to control their movements. The experts said that people who use caffeine are less likely to get Parkinson’s disease and they were also developing the methods using caffeine with movement symptoms for people who had ready had the disease.
11. Coffee Prevents The Risks Of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a gigantic health problem and currently affecting nearly 300 million people on over the world.
It is caused by the elevated blood sugars in the context of insulin resistance or an inability to secrete insulin.
Because of some reasons, coffee drinkers have a considerably reduced risk of this disease. Scientists showed that people who drink much coffee have a 23 to 50% lower risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. And there was another study that indicated a higher rate at 67%.
Coffee lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes. According to a study before, people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day reduce their risk of developing the disease by 50% which is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day. So, the risk gets lowered by 7% with each additional cup of coffee.
12. Coffee Burns Fat
Have you heard that caffeine is considered as almost commercial fat burning supplement?
Caffeine is one of the very few natural substances that have been already proven to aid fat burning. The studies indicated that caffeine can increase the metabolic rate to 3 to 11%. And there were other studies showing that caffeine could specifically boost the procedure of burning fat. It was estimated by as much as 10% in obese individuals and 29% in lean people. Therefore, it can be denied that burning fat is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
For these reasons, women who want to have nice bodies should drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day to take in an adequate amount of caffeine.
13. Coffee Improves Physical Performance
Not only Caffeine can increase the adrenaline level, it is also able to release fatty acids in the fat tissues. It can stimulate the nervous system and make it send signals to the fat cells to break down body fat and release them into the blood as free fatty acids then make them available as fuel
Besides that, caffeine increases Epinephrine (Adrenaline) levels in your blood. It is the hormone that is designed to make your bodies willing for intense physical exertion.
Because of these effects, it is not amazing that caffeine can improve physical performance by 11-12% on average which is another of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
An advice is given to people who want to have a nice body that you should have a strong cup of coffee about 30 minutes before heading to the gym.
14. Coffee Makes An Athlete Better
According to many scientists, a cup of coffee before participating in an athletic performance is good for any athletes, especially in endurance sports such as cycling and distance running. Caffeine can help in increasing the number of fatty acids located in the bloodstream, which will allow muscles to absorb as well as burn these fats for fuel; as a result, caffeine will save small reserves of carbohydrates of the body for later on while exercising.
15. Coffee Slows Down The Aging Process
Besides helping people to prevent many diseases and stay beautiful, coffee also helps you to slow down the aging process. Scientists showed that coffee minimized the decline of motor skills and memory associated with growing old. So it keeps you younger and healthier.
It is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day. If you want to be young, drink some coffee a day and relax then you can see the amazing result.
16. Coffee Makes The Hair Shinier
To remove product buildup, massage some grounds into your hair before shampooing. This makes little messy, on the other hand, the beans exfoliate the scalp as well. And because coffee is able to stain lighter hair, skip this in case you have blonde locks.
17. Coffee Protects The Eyes
Scientists found a powerful antioxidant in coffee that can help prevent the risks of glaucoma, blindness as well as vision loss, which is one of the reasons you need to drink coffee every single day.
Drinking coffee is common favorites of many people and also brings them many benefits. Drinking coffee every single day helps you to prevent many diseases for staying healthy. You should take in an adequate amount of coffee every day to stay well.
If you want to know more about benefits and how to apply foods for your skin and health, go to our main Food for Beauty page. After reading the article of 17 reasons you need to drink coffee every single day, hope that you can find out the benefits of drinking coffee. Nevertheless, the article is only for the informational purpose, thus, you should meet your doctor to get advice before applying any natural way. If you have any question, or you know other information to share, please leave them below.