Generally, cracked feet or heel fissures are caused due to a lack of moisture. At the first step, cracked feet seem harmless, but if left untreated, the cracks become deeper. They also cause acute pain while walking or standing. Cracked feet are also caused by other factors such as cold weather, standing for long hours, unhealthy diet, wearing improper footwear, aging, using harsh soaps, and being overweight, etc. Besides, this problem also is caused by some conditions including diabetes, psoriasis, thyroid disease, and eczema. Red or flaky patches, inflammation, peeling skin, and itching sensation are some of the common symptoms of cracked feet. There are many natural treatments for this condition. So, in this post, Beauty Talk will be listing out the effective home remedies for cracked feet. Continue reading this article to know more about these home remedies.
26 Natural Home Remedies For Cracked Feet
1. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Milk & Honey Remedy
The natural antiseptic of honey helps to heal cracked feet while its soothing agents help to revitalize the skin. Besides, honey remains the lost moisture of the feet and combats bacteria causing this problem. Milk aids in repairing and rebuilding the damaged skin thanks to its calcium and vitamin A. Here is how to heal cracked feet with this mixture:
- 1 cup of honey
- 2 cups of milk
Firstly, you soak the feet in a large bowl. Later take the honey and milk in the bowl and mix well these ingredients. After that, you soak the feet in this resultant liquid for 15 to 20 minutes. Finally, use warm water to wash your feet thoroughly. This process can be followed daily to naturally combat cracked feet.
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Learn more: Benefits of honey with lemon on health, hair, and skin
2. Rice Flour Scrub For Cracked Feet
Rice flour is able to exfoliate and purify the skin, making it soft and smooth as well. In fact, this scrub helps to keep your feet smooth, soft and healthy. Along with that, it prevents the reoccurrence of the cracked feet problem. Thus, this scrub acts as the greatest home remedies for cracked feet. Follow the directions below to make this scrub:
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 3 tablespoons of rice flour
- 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
- Warm water
- Few drops of sweet almond oil or olive oil
The first step is taking enough warm water in 1 container and soaking your feet in the prepared water for around 15 minutes or more. Then, use a towel to rub your feet gently. Now make a scrub of rice flour, apple cider vinegar, and honey. Afterward, apply on your cracked heels with this resultant scrub and rub your heels gently. Lastly, clean your feet by using warm water. You can quickly remove cracked feet by repeating this procedure daily.
3. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Neem Leaves Remedy
Neem leaves [1] are very effective at removing cracked feet because they comprise the antifungal and antibacterial abilities. Here is how to get rid of cracked feet with neem leaves:
- 1 handful of neem leaves
- 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder
- Water
First of all, make a paste by crushing the neem leaves and adding some water to it. Later you add the turmeric powder to this paste and stir them well. Now start applying this paste to your cracked feet and after around an hour, use fresh water to rinse your feet. Your cracked feet will be removed soon by practicing the procedure one time per week.
4. Using Glycerin Remedy
Glycerin assists in softening the skin. Rosewater in this remedy is full of vitamins A, B3, D, E, and C, all of which moisture and prevent the bacterial infection. Rose water also owns anti-inflammatory and antiseptic features that help to heal cracked feet. The acidic properties found in lemon juice aid in healing dry and rough skin, thus preventing the cracked feet. The combination of rose water and glycerin will offer you very soft and smooth heels.
- ½ tablespoon of lemon juice
- ¾ tablespoon of rose water
- ¼ tablespoon of glycerin
- 1 tablespoon of salt
- 1 pumice stone
- Warm water
Firstly, you take the glycerin in 1 small container and next, add the lemon juice along with rose water to it. Then, you add the salt together with warm water to it and stir all the things well. Now apply on your feet using this mixture and after a gap of 17 and 20 minutes, rub your toe with the help of the pumice stone to eliminate the dead skin cells. This process should be practiced once each week to quickly remove cracked feet.
Learn more: Lemon beauty benefits for your skin and hair
5. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – White Vinegar Remedy
White vinegar contains skin softening agents and comes with acetic acid that softens your feet gently to remove dead and dry cracked skin. Therefore, you can use white vinegar to cure cracked feet efficiently. This remedy works as one of the ideal home remedies for cracked feet. Below is the recipe to use white vinegar for cracked feet removal:
- ¼ cup of white vinegar
- ¾ cup of water
- A moisturizer
The first step is taking the vinegar in 1 large bowl and adding the water to it. The next step is soaking your feet in the prepared liquid for five to ten minutes. Then, remove the feet from the liquid & scrub the feet with the aid of scrubber to eliminate the dead cells from the feet. Afterward, pat the feet dry and lastly, apply a moisturizer to your cracked heels. You should follow this process once each week to quickly heal your cracked feet.
Learn more: Beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar for skin & hair
6. Oatmeal For Cracked Feet Treatment
Oatmeal has the ability to exfoliate all the dead skin cells and soften the cracked feet since it possesses the anti-inflammatory & moisturizing agents. Below are two options to make use of oatmeal for cracked feet removal:
Option 1: Oatmeal & Jojoba Oil
- 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
- 3 tablespoons of jojoba oil
The initial step is taking the jojoba oil in 1 container and adding the oatmeal powder to it. Later mix them properly to get a paste and start applying the paste on your cracks. Keep this paste to sit for half an hour and rinse it off afterward. The procedure can be followed daily to quickly heal your cracked feet.
Option 2: Oatmeal & Olive Oil
- 1 tablespoon of powdered oatmeal
- 4 drops of olive oil
You need to combine the powdered oatmeal with the olive oil well. Now you start applying the mixture on your cracked feet. Leave the mixture on for 30 minutes. After that, use cool water to rinse your feet and pat dry. Practice the process one time in 2 days.
7. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Aloe Vera Gel Remedy
According to Live Strong, a 2008 study published in “Skin Pharmacology and Physiology,” showed that aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and calming effects on the sunburned skin [2]. This means it can lower redness, discomfort, and swelling of the dry skin. Aloe vera contains the amino acids that can soften the skin well and treat your cracked feet. Besides, it can soothe dead and dry skin. Along with that, it assists in healing the cracks and ridges and increasing collagen synthesis as well. Therefore, it acts as the most effective home remedies for cracked feet.
- 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
- 10 basil leaves
- 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon of camphor powder
First of all, take the fresh basil leaves and later crush them to get a paste. To the paste, add the turmeric, aloe vera gel together with camphor powder. Thereafter, you apply to your cracked heels using the paste. Leave this paste on your feet for 10-15 minutes and afterward, rinse your feet by using warm water. It’s recommended to practice this process twice per week to eliminate dry cracked feet.
Learn more: Beauty benefits of aloe vera for hair, skin
8. Paraffin Wax For Cracked Feet
Paraffin wax [3] is an effective cure for cracked feet. This is because it functions as a good natural emollient that softens the skin. Here’s how to heal the cracked feet with paraffin wax:
- 1 tablespoon of paraffin wax
- 2-3 drops of coconut or mustard oil
Take some paraffin wax at first and later mix it with coconut or mustard oil. Then, you heat this combination in a pan till the paraffin wax melts properly. Let this mixture cool down to room temperature. Start applying on your feet afterward. To get the optimal results, you should apply before your bedtime and wear one pair of socks. In the morning, rinse it off properly. This remedy can be repeated once or twice each week before going to sleep.
9. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Vegetable Oil Remedy
Dry skin is the main reason for cracked feet. Vegetable oil will help you to attain the lost moisture from the feet and heal the cracks on them as well. The hydrogenated vegetable oil contains the fats, which aid in nourishing the skin and healing cracked feet. So, this oil works as the amazing home remedies for cracked feet.
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 1 pair of socks
At first, use fresh water to clean your feet and pat dry. Later apply the vegetable oil directly to your affected regions with your fingers. Leave this application to remain for few minutes and afterward, wear 1 pair of socks. Wash your feet using water the following morning. Repeat this method every night to fast remove cracked feet.
10. Scrubbing For Cracked Feet
Before scrubbing, soak the feet in the water. This will easily eliminate the dead skin from the feet. Follow the instructions below:
- 3 to 4 tablespoons of liquid soap
- Water
- 1 large bowl
Firstly, you take the fresh water in 1 large bowl. Next, you add the prepared liquid soap and then mix it well. Now start soaking your feet for the duration of 20 minutes. You can completely heal your cracked feet by repeating this process daily.
11. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Coconut Oil
Coconut oil [4] is one of the great ingredients used in multiple skin care products. This oil aids in moisturizing the feet and combating bacterial and fungal infections since it owns antifungal & antimicrobial properties. Along with that, it penetrates to the the deeper layers of skin and nourishes them. Consequently, the list of the incredible home remedies for cracked feet is unfinished without including this coconut oil remedy.
- Few drops of coconut oil
- A pair of socks
You soak the feet in warm water at first and later scrub using a loofah prior to going to bed. Then, dry your feet carefully and now apply some coconut oil generously on the feet. Afterward, wear 1 pair of socks for the nights. Remove the socks and clean your feet the next morning. Do this daily for few days until you attain the desired results.
12. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Using Lemon Juice
Lemon juice can help you to eliminate the dry and dead skin from the feet owing to its mild natural acidic property. It also makes your skin beautiful and soft.
Option 1: Lemon Juice
- 2 to 3 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 large bowl of warm eater
- 1 pumice stone
Firstly, take the warm water in 1 large bowl and add the lemon juice to the bowl. Thereafter, soak your feet well in that bowl and use a pumice stone to rub your feet. Finally, wash your feet with water and dry them using a towel. You should do this remedy daily to totally combat cracked feet.
Option 2: Lemon Juice & Vaseline
- 4 drops of lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of Vaseline
- Warm water
The first step is soaking the feet in warm water for a gap of 17 and 20 minutes. Next, rinse and pat dry thoroughly. Then, mix the lemon juice with Vaseline and now rub this resultant mixture over the cracked feet. Wear 1 pair of socks and keep it on all night. In the morning, you wash it off. Follow this regularly prior to going to sleep.
Option 3: Lemon Juice Foot Scrub
- Juice from a lemon
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 5 tablespoons of sea salt
You mix together the lemon juice, sea salt and olive oil to make a foot scrub. Then, you start applying this scrub on your cracked feet and remove with lukewarm water after the duration of 15 minutes. You need to follow this natural treatment 1-2 times each week to get visible results.
13. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Olive Oil Remedy
Olive oil [5] is a wonderful healer and it also possesses nourishing features that make the skin supple and soft. It is also a natural way to attain soft, smooth and healthy feet.
Option 1:
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil
- A pair of socks
Take the olive oil at first and later apply it to your affected regions. Cover the area from the dust by wearing 1 pair of socks. Let this application remain for about 60 minutes and after that, use warm water to wash your feet. This treatment can be followed daily to remove cracked feet completely.
Option 2:
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 2-3 drops of lavender oil
- 2-3 drops of water
The first step is taking the lavender oil together with olive oil in 1 bowl. The following step is adding the water to it and mixing well. Now apply to your cracked feet using this prepared mixture. Treat cracked feet sooner and faster by repeating this method one time each week.
14. Remove Cracked Feet With Epsom Salt
Epsom salt has the capacity to encourage the procedure of healing cracked feet since it facilitates circulation. Besides, Epsom salt contains the magnesium, which can enhance skin health and remove toxins as well. Hence, the Epsom salt functions as one of the wonderful home remedies for cracked feet.
- ½ cup of Epsom salt
- Warm water
- 1 pumice stone
First of all, fill 1 foot tub with enough warm water and add the Epsom salt to it. Then, you soak your feet in this solution for the duration of ten minutes. Rub your feet slightly with the aid of the pumice stone for several minutes. Afterward, you put the feet back in that solution for another ten minutes. Dry your feet well and apply some petroleum jelly or a moisturizer. It’s suggested to repeat every day for 2-3 days.
15. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Banana Remedy
Basically, banana [6] functions as a great moisturizer and makes the skin smoother & softer. It will help to soften and moisturize the skin well. Avocados in this method can help to repair dry skin because they are enriched with essential vitamins, oils, and fats. Thus, this remedy works as the best natural home remedies for cracked feet.
- 1-2 overripe bananas
- ½ an avocado
First of all, blend together the bananas and avocados in 1 blender to attain a thick, creamy paste. Start applying on your feet with this paste and keep it on for around 17 to 20 minutes. Finally, wash your feet with lukewarm water and cold water respectively. You can follow this home treatment on a regular basis to prevent and remove cracked feet.
Learn more: Beauty benefits of avocado for hair & skin
16. Remove Cracked Feet With Shea Butter
Shea butter hydrates and nourishes your skin well because it’s a great moisturizer. Being rich in vitamin A [7] & vitamin E content, Shea butter can improve different skin problems related to dryness.
- 1 to 2 tablespoons of organic Shea butter
- 1 pair of socks
Simply, apply some Shea butter on the feet and gently massage them for 1-2 minutes. Slip on a pair of socks and leave it on overnight. The following morning, remove the socks & rinse it off. Repeat this for several nights for soft heels.
17. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Tea Tree Oil Remedy
Generally speaking, tea tree oil has the capacity to cleanse and condition the skin. According to a study, tea tree oil has become popular increasingly in recent decades [8]. Regular use of this oil will make your skin softer. Thus, this oil is considered as one of the great home remedies for cracked feet.
- 5 drops of tea tree oil
- A pair of socks
- 1 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil
The first step is mixing together the coconut oil and tea tree oil. The next step is applying on your cracked feet and massaging for 1 to 2 minutes. Then, cover with socks and keep it on overnight. The last step is removing the socks and washing it off. You should follow this method nightly before your bedtime. Don’t use this oil directly because it can cause rashes.
18. Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar comes with the mild acids, which can soften the dead and dry skin. As a result, you can exfoliate the skin easily. Thus, you can get the healthy and fresh skin. Here’s how to use apple cider vinegar to combat cracked feet:
- 1 cup of ACV
- 1 basin
- Warm water
At first, you fill the basil with 3-4 cups of water and later add the ACV to it. Mix these things well. Now soak the feet in the solution for the duration of 15 minutes and afterward, scrub to get rid of the dead skin. You can repeat this treatment every alternate day.
19. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Baking Soda Remedy
Baking soda is used as an exfoliant. Besides, it can eliminate dead cells and soothe the skin due to its anti-inflammatory features. Follow the instructions below:
- 3 tablespoons of baking soda
- 1 pumice stone
- Warm water
- 1 bucket
The first step is filling around 2/3 of the bucket with the warm water and adding the baking soda to it. Mix them well until the baking soda completely dissolves in the water. Thereafter, you soak the feet for 10-15 minutes in this mixture. Now remove the feet from the mixture and gently scrub with a pumice stone. Lastly, you rinse carefully with clean water. It is advised to do this 2 times in a week.
Learn more: Benefits of baking soda for hair, skin and body
20. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Using Listerine Soak
Generally, Listerine [9] is an antiseptic and can soothe the skin thanks to its menthol and thymol. Listerine soak aids in softening the hardened dead skin & makes the skin easier to be removed. Follow the detailed steps below:
- 1 cup of Listerine
- 2 cups of water
- 1 cup of white vinegar
- Pumice stone
- 1 basin
You need to mix the Listerine, water, and white vinegar together and soak your feet for fifteen minutes in this resultant liquid. Then, remove your feet and gently scrub with the pumice stone to eliminate the dead skin. Finally, use clean water to rinse it off, pat dry and moisturize. You can follow this treatment daily for 3-4 days for best results.
21. Home Remedies For Cracked Feet – Cocoa Butter Balm
This homemade cocoa butter balm can prevent and treat cracked feet effectively. It can moisturize and smoothen the cracked feet well.
- 2 ounces of cocoa butter
- 2 ounces of coconut oil
- 5 to 8 drops of lavender oil
- 5 to 8 drops of peppermint oil
Melt the cocoa butter in a double boiler and later add the coconut oil into it. Once these ingredients melt, take them out of the flame. Then, add the peppermint and lavender oil to it. Mix well and now pour the resulting mixture into 4-oz. jar. Allow it to stay at room temperature until cooled and solidifies completely. Cover the lid afterward and store in a clean and dry place. For using, apply enough amounts of this balm before you go to sleep. Avoid staining by wearing socks. You should repeat the application daily.
22. Using Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E oil can hydrate and nourish the skin, making your feet soft and smooth. Know here how to treat the cracked feet with this oil:
- 3-4 vitamin E capsules
The first step is making a hole in the vitamin E capsules and removing the oil present inside. The next step is applying on your cracked feet with this oil and massaging for one minute. It’s advisable to reapply vitamin E oil 2-3 times each day.
Now say goodbye to the problem of cracked feet by following all the above home remedies. After few applications, you will attain the smooth and healed feet. You can go to directly our main Health page to read more such articles. Do you know other home remedies for cracked feet? Feel free to share them with use. Also, share your experiences and views in the comments section below.
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