Hair growth treatments are one of the best ways to prevent normal hair problems such as hair breakage, shedding or hair thinning; to guarantee the hair growth and reduce the potential hair loss. But are the products for hair expensive or not? Yes they are, but you will not need to buy them, instead, you can make several of DIY hair masks for hair growth right from natural sources like oil, fruits, herbs or veggies in your kitchen.
BeautyTalk would like to reveal to you top 25 best natural DIY hair masks for hair growth in order to bring about shiny, long and gorgeous hair to all of you without requiring you to utilize harmful or expensive hair product or hair treatment but just take advantage of available ingredients in your kitchen. From the familiar natural ingredients around you, you can totally possess the most effective hair masks for hair growth.
These following methods and sharing are really worth checking out, so spend time on them to get hair grow fast.
Top 25 Best Natural DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth
1. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Egg, Honey And Olive Oil
Starting the list is the egg, which is considered an indispensable ingredient for popular DIY hair masks for hair growth. You can easily take some eggs right from your kitchen to apply to your hair and then get long hair as you expect. All you need for this hair mask is an egg, which is enriched with a high level of protein. As you may know, protein is an important part in strengthening your hair as well as promoting its fast growth. Therefore, you should really try the egg-made hair mask. Besides protein, the egg is also comprised of other beneficial nutrition such as sulphur, zinc, phosphorus, iron and iodine, whose main function is to bring about the desirable long hair for you. Meanwhile, honey and olive oil are in charge of replenishing your hair making it softer and smoother with the aid of moisturizing capability. So, it is really worth trying this simple remedy.
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- Now to start, you will need to prepare an egg with the white separated from the rest
- Then, you add the egg white 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil
- You stir all ingredients well until you get a smooth paste
- Then you apply this mask for hair in 20 minutes
- After speculated time, you use cool water to rinse the mask off, followed by a mild shampoo
- This method should be repeated once per two weeks to give you the longest hair.
2. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Egg Yolk and Olive Oil
“Our hair is a statement of style, an affirmation of beauty and an expression of self-love – Ademola Mandella.”
In the previous sharing, you can see how amazing the egg is towards your hair. In fact, the egg’s parts can be used to make several kinds of DIY hair masks for hair growth. In specific, when mentioning egg yolk, you will see that there is a great number of beneficial properties inside it such as fatty acids, vitamin A, E, D, protein. All of these amazing properties are not only able to make your hair softer and healthier but also make it look thicker by preventing the thinning hair and hair loss effectively. With the egg yolk, the situation of split ends will also be controlled well.
At the same time, for DIY hair masks for hair growth like this, there will not be the lack of olive oil because it is the major ingredient to keep your hair strong all the time and protect your hair from exposing to the dry or damaged problems.
The special thing is that when you combine both of these ingredients to make a hair mask, it will act like an exfoliant to refresh your scalp as well as maintain the healthy texture of your hair efficiently.
Here is the detailed guide for this amazing hair growth remedy
- Firstly, you will need to add 2 tablespoons of olive oil into 2 egg yolks then mix them thoroughly
- Don’t forget to dilute this mixture with ½ cup of water
- Then you take some of this mixture to massage on your hair and scalp gently
- Leave it there for 15-20 minutes, then you rinse the mask off with water and mild shampoo.
- Your hair should be treated with this remedy 1-2 times per month to get a gorgeous beauty.
3. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth with Egg And Yogurt
In fact, yogurt is not just for eating but for making one of the best DIY hair masks for hair growth. Everyone knows that yogurt is really beneficial for their health thanks to the high content of probiotic as well as other kinds of nutrition like vitamin C, E. It can be eaten on a regular basis to boost your immunity system. Meanwhile, it can also be taken to create the fabulous paste to liven your hair and remove such normal hair problems like hair loss, hair thinning and bring about the long gorgeous hair. Because it is packed with a high number of nutrients, which can boost the hair growth and thickness fast, it is widely believed to turn your hair into the desirable hair.
Especially, when being combined with such a fully moisturized ingredient like an egg, this mixture can become an excellent substance that can give your hair the expected length and thickness.
Now, let’s start with this amazing remedy
- Firstly, you beat an egg and whip it until it gets foamy
- You add this along with the yogurt and mayo into the blender to blend all ingredients for you
- Blend them until you get smooth paste
- You take this paste to apply on your scalp and hair gently
- Wrap your hair carefully with a shower cap for an hour
- After that time, you rinse the mask off with water, followed by a mild shampoo.
4. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth – Make Shampoo From Henna And Egg
There are many kinds of DIY hair masks for hair growth that may want to know, one of which is the excellent remedy from egg and henna. As mentioned above, an egg is a powerful substance that is necessary for every recipe of growing hair fast. It is enriched with high nutritious content whose main function is to nourish the hair to make it grow in the thickness thoroughly. At the same time, the henna powder is proved to be effective in making your hair thicker by dealing with the hair loss problem completely. Moreover, it is also used to brighten your hair perfectly as one of its outstanding abilities is to change the color of your hair. So if you want both long thick hair and a little-colored hair, then it is worth trying this recipe.
- Firstly, you beat an egg in a bowl, add in the henna and some water, then mix all ingredients thoroughly to make a smooth paste
- Then, you add some lemon juice into the paste and continue blending to get it smooth again
- Take some of this paste to massage on your hair and scalp gently
- Leave it there for 2 hours or until the paste gets dry on your hair
- After that time, use tepid water and mild shampoo to rinse the paste off.
- Follow this treatment once per month for the best result.
5. Make Hair Rinse From Vinegar
Vinegar is an indispensable part in every kitchen. No matter which dishes you cook, vinegar is always there in your kitchen because of its high utility. You can see its strong effect in cleaning, dealing with your skin and nail problem…. Then you can also be impressed by its impact on your hair with the aid of acidic element as in fact, hair really appreciates such element like that. Using vinegar for your hair means that you have provided it with acidic nature, the good balance of pH level. Normally, your hair’s pH changes from 3.5 to 5.5. If you usually take use of chemical hair products, this range of pH level may be changed significantly. In this case, vinegar will be the saver of your hair when it can make the pH level become balance. Besides, with vinegar, your hair strands will become stronger, less likely to get thin or broken, remove the residue and promote the hair growth efficiently.
- With this perfect hair rinse, you just need to mix vinegar with water in the ratio 1:2
- You can placate the odor by adding some essential oil to this hair rinse
- Then you rinse your hair with this mixture after having it shampooed
- You can apply this treatment 1-2 times per week, then get it 1-2 times per month to get the strongest hair’s health.
6. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Banana
Hair mask made from banana is also one of the greatest DIY hair masks for hair growth that may meet your demand of getting thick, long and shiny hair. With this remedy made from such a popular nutritional fruit like banana, you will be totally conquered by its excellent function that it takes on your hair. But first, you should know that banana is enriched with a high number of vitamins like A, E, C, and potassium. Such beneficial elements are utilized optimally to bring about the lively hair for you just in case you know how to make use of it efficiently. You know that your hair needs vitamin and minerals to maintain its good health, that’s the reason why you should take advantage of banana to get strong and long hair as you expect.
- Now, with the simple recipe made from banana, hopefully, you will get the perfect hair like what you dream about
- Firstly, all you need is just a ripe banana added into the processor
- Then let the processor mask the banana up to make a smooth paste
- You just need to apply this kind of mask on your hair and keep it there for 20 minutes
- After that time, you rinse it off with water and mild shampoo.
- To get the best result fast, you’d better follow this treatment once per week.
7. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth with Avocado And Coconut Oil
Is there anything more exciting than owning long shiny and silky hair that attracts everyone’s attention? This sounds great to most of you guys for sure and to attain this, nothing is greater than utilizing the super effective and natural DIY hair masks for hair growth. There are many kinds of natural hair masks that you can easily make by yourself from the very familiar ingredients around you, among them is the hair treatment from avocado and coconut oil.
This combination is really amazing because both of them are considered the deepest conditioning factor that can provide your hair with enough moisture to keep it away from a dry or damaged situation. In specific, avocado, a popular component in many famous kinds of hair and skin product, is packed with the high content of hair nutrition and vitamin; therefore, when taking it for your hair, your hair will be nurtured and grown up fast to become thick and strong. With the aid of such beneficial oil as coconut oil, which is called the saver of your hair, this mixture is going to make your hair become more lustrous than ever.
- To get this treatment for hair, you just need to warm the coconut oil up for just 10 seconds
- You take one tablespoon of this oil to massage on your hair thoroughly
- Meanwhile, you put some avocado in the processor to have it blended to become a smooth paste
- You take some of this paste to massage on your hair treated with coconut oil gently
- Leave it there for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with water followed by a mild shampoo
- Repeat this method week by week for the best result.
8. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth From Oatmeal
Oatmeal, as you know, is a nutritious kind of cereal that everyone should keep in the kitchen. But it is not just seemingly a normal cereal but packed with many key factors beneficial for your hair’s growth. That’s the reason why you can come across so many kinds of DIY hair masks for hair growth. In fact, you can totally catch this kind of hair mask right inside your home with an available ingredient. It is oatmeal that can stick with the hair strand to supplement it with enough protective effect, at the same time, provide your hair with nourishment to promote your hair growth thoroughly. It is worth trying this remedy if you already get the oatmeal besides you.
- Now, with ½ cup of oatmeal in your hand, you can mix it with ½ tablespoons of almond oil and ¼ cup of milk.
- You mix all the ingredients thoroughly to get a thick paste
- Be sure your hair is not tangled or dry before applying this mask to your hair from root to top
- Leave it there for about 20 minutes and then use warm water to rinse the mask off
- You should repeat this method once per week to get the best result.
9. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Rosemary
In treating your hair thinning or hair loss problem to get the thick and long hair, there cannot be the lack of herbal treatment. The popular kind of herb that is widely used by most of the people having hair problem is rosemary. In fact, hair mask from rosemary is one of the best DIY hair masks for hair growth that you can take, so you can consider using this herb to make a perfect hair mask. Thanks to its ability to deal with your thinning hair problem as well as promote the strength of your hair’s scalp, it is becoming the must-take remedy for everyone.
- Now, to perfect your hair with rosemary, take a look at this guide below
- Firstly, you need to prepare some dry rosemary leaves
- Then crushed them to get 2 tablespoons of it to mix with 300 ml of water
- You mix them well together to get a solution
- Then you just need to apply this solution on your hair and scalp gently
- Actually, it is really light, so you don’t need to rinse it off later on to get clean hair.
- With this treatment, you should follow it from 1-4 times per week to get the best result.
10. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Coconut Oil And Curry Leaves
Indian hair is something that is even worthier than gold and diamond. It is not strange that every woman all want to possess such beautiful and gorgeous hair like Indian ones. So what is the secret behind that? The answer seems to be supernatural but the fact is so simple that may make you surprised. The secret lies in the usage of a common ingredient put in food named curry leaves. No one can deny its spicy nature, but no matter how spicy it is, it is still an outstanding agent in many DIY hair masks for hair growth. One incredible remedy of them is the combination of curry leaves and coconut oil.
This is a traditional hair mask remedy from India allowing your hair to absorb the nourishment and vitamin from coconut oil as well as the anti-inflammatory properties from curry leaves. In general, it is beneficial for you to apply this combination on your hair regularly to get the desired hair beauty.
- Now, let’s get ready for flawless and beautiful hair with the following guide
- You will need to prepare some coconut oil and fresh curry leaves first
- You put them in the pot having them boiled well until you see the black residue appear in this solution
- You will collect this residue then apply it on your hair evenly
- Keep it for a short time and ward if off with water
- You can follow this method 2 times per week to call back your strong and thick hair.
11. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth – Let Burdock Root Oil Nourish Your Hair
In treating hair problems like hair loss, hair thinning, hair damage …to promote the hair growth, there is a high number of DIY hair masks for hair growth. For the most parts of them, the remedies from essential oil will be of the most concern. Because, as you may know, inside each kind of essential oil there exists many beneficial properties and components which are highly recommended to be applied on your hair.
The burdock root oil is one kind of essential oil like that when providing your hair with many many kinds of vitamins, mineral, nutrients including potassium, calcium, iron and hair-friendly agents. Using burdock root oil with the reasonable schedule will be the base for the unbelievable growth in your hair. Besides, such nutrients can also aid in dealing with some normal hair problems like dandruff, itchiness or breakage perfectly as well. So why don’t you take this super effective remedy to make your hair become gorgeous?
- Now, you just need to mix 1 teaspoon of each rosemary, lavender, and basil oil together
- Then, you supplement 3-5 drops of this mixture with 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and aloe vera gel
- After mixing all ingredients thoroughly, you take some of this mixture to massage on your hair and scalp gently
- Leave it there for around 1-2 hours to let your hair experience the great treatment
- You can repeat this method 1-3 times per week depending on the development process of your hair growth.
12. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth with Nettle Leaves
As mentioned above, herbal treatment seems to be an indispensable part in the list of DIY hair masks for hair growth. Nettle can be seen as the hair-friendly herb, that’s why so many people believe in its being used as a hair rinse. It is totally natural without causing any harmful effect when being applied to your hair to promote your hair’s growth as well as get away with some normal problems like hair loss or hair thinning. With nettle hair rinse, the volume will be consolidated then become maximized bringing about smooth sense and the perfect thickness. One more thing about this remedy is that it is highly recommended to blond hair because its internal components may make your hair color change a little bit. So, after being sure about this treatment, you can follow the guide below to get desired hair beauty as you expect.
- Let’s start with 2 cups of white vinegar, 2 cups of water (plus some lavender oil) and an ounce of nettle leaves.
- Now, place all ingredients in a large pan and have them simmered in the stove for about 2 hours
- Cool the mixture down then and strain it a bit
- Now, it is time to add two drops of lavender oil into the nettle mixture and stir it well
- With the final solution, you can contain it in a bottle and for every further use, remember to shake the bottle then apply this solution to your hair and scalp evenly
- Leave it there for a long time (maybe overnight) to let the solution generate to your hair and scalp
- Repeat this method day by day if you can. But if you own dry hair, once per week will be best.
13. Take Use Of Essential Oil For Hair Growth
It is not hard to look around and realize that there are several kinds of essential oil whose purposes is to nourish your hair from root to top and enhance its outstanding growth. Hence, it is also not strange to consider such essential oil to be among the best DIY hair masks for hair growth. In fact, you can make it on your own because such kinds of oil available around you, but the point here is the method of making and using it.
The most popular kinds of essential oil you should consider to boost the hair growth are rosemary, grapeseed, jojoba or thyme oil. It would be great if you could prepare such oil by yourself and let the hair-friendly agents inside the oil penetrate into your hair and scalp, promote the development of hair strong cuticles, thereby turning your hair into gorgeous and attractive one.
- Now, it’s time to take advantage of all the best kinds of oil for hair.
- You can create a mixture of essential oil you have prepared which are 3 drops of rosemary, 2 drops of the thyme, an ounce of grapeseed, 2 drops of cedar, and a tablespoon of jojoba oil
- You mix all kinds of the oil well and keep it in a bottle for later use.
- Now, you can take some of this amazing mixture to apply on your hair and scalp for overnight and rinse it off with mild shampoo in the next morning.
- For the best result, you should follow this treatment 2-3 times per week.
14. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth with Vitamin E And Essential Oil
The truth is, vitamin E is not just for skin conditioning but more than that – being applied to your hair to promote its growth. If you are looking for the most effective DIY hair masks for hair growth, then you should take a look at the combination of vitamin E and essential oil.
Right from its name, vitamin E is believed to provide your hair with enough strength protecting it from being attacked by the external harmful effect like the sunray or pollution; therefore, your hair can be away from such symptoms as hair loss or hair damage. Moreover, vitamin E can also be generated to your hair and scalp in order to promote your hair growth fast. In combination with other essential oil with the apparent benefits, as shown above, you can totally keep peace in mind that your hair will be treated kindly and become more and more lustrous.
- Now, to experience this amazing remedy, you need to get ready with vitamin E oil, jojoba oil, rosemary oil and peppermint oil.
- You need to mix ¼ cup of vitamin oil with ¼ cup of jojoba oil along with 15 drops of each rosemary and peppermint oil thoroughly
- After getting the desired solution, you keep it in a clean bottle and for each using time later, remember to shake it a little bit
- To use it, you just need to apply this solution on your hair for overnight and rinse it off with mild shampoo in the next morning.
- To thicken hair fast, repeat this method 2-3 times per week.
15. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice
Both coconut and lemon are fascinating to some extent if you consider it from the physical side, but they can even do more than what you imagine. In specific, the combination of this two ingredient will make a perfect DIY hair masks for hair growth. If you are looking for an overall treatment, which can deal with your hair thinning, boost your hair growth and smoothen it, then this is the perfect remedy that you cannot ignore.
Inside the coconut oil is the high level of fatty acids which will leave the deep conditioning on your hair, and when your hair is provided with conditioning, it will become stronger then will be protected safely from harmful effect with the aid of lemon juice. Inside the lemon juice is the high content of vitamin C and this is proved to be super effective for hair protection and hair growth promotion.
- You can consider using this remedy for clean and long hair by mixing 2 parts of coconut oil and 1 part of lemon juice together thoroughly (warm the coconut oil beforehand)
- Then you take this mixture to massage on your hair gently
- You leave it there for overnight and rinse the mask off with water in the next morning
- You should repeat this method on a weekly basis to get the most brilliant result.
16. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Onion Juice And Honey
Forget about the odor from onion juice, don’t worry because there is the existence of honey. Actually, DIY hair masks for hair growth would never miss this remedy on the list because of its amazing effect on your hair growth. Inside the onion, there is the presence of sulfur which is an integral nutrient in speeding up hair growth process, besides, regenerating the hair follicles and promoting the hair growth effectively. Moreover, with the enrichment of vitamin C, B6, magnesium, potassium and calcium, the onion is becoming the must-have item for hair treatment.
Are you worried about its odor? No need to worry anymore because there is honey – a super deep conditioning for your hair. That means honey is not just a factor removing the odor of onion but also a strong element in refreshing your hair, moisturizing it and strengthening it thoroughly. In general, you should really take advantage of this amazing remedy so as to own attractive hair.
- Now, prepare some clean onion and have its juice extracted with the juicer
- After getting the juice in a bowl, you add in this juice 1-2 teaspoons of honey
- You mix both of the ingredients well to get the desired solution
- You then just need to apply this solution on your hair gently for overnight and rinse it off in the next morning
- You can also add in this mixture some drops of essential oil if you like
- The best routine for this treatment is usually 1-3 times per week for the greatest result.
17. Shampoo Hair With Caffeine
Among so many natural DIY hair masks for hair growth, there emerges the special treatment including from a quite harsh ingredient named caffeine powder. From its name, you can immediately think of the list of caffeine beverages used as the energy booster. But more than that, caffeine powder can be made into a perfect hair shampoo whose function is to replenish your hair scalp, regenerate your hair follicles and promote your hair growth. Using this powder, it is sure that your hair will become stronger and thicker with the support of the nourishing properties of the caffeine.
- In short, you can grab some caffeine powder to turn it into a potent hair shampoo which can promote hair growth fast.
- You need to mix 4 teaspoons of caffeine powder with 8 ounces of your current shampoo then use it as usual
- Alternatively, you can also mix caffeine powder with water and keep it there for 10-15 minutes before taking it to the bath.
- With this treatment, you may take notice that you just should follow it 2-3 times per week and reduce the regularity gradually.
18. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth From Olive Oil And Lemon Juice
Once again, you can have the chance to apply the lemon juice on your hair, but in other remedies of DIY hair masks for hair growth. In specific, the lemon juice will be combined with a hair-friendly kind of essential oil which is olive oil. In this mixture, if the olive oil is responsible for providing enough nutrition and the condition for your hair, the lemon juice will provide enough vitamins to keep your hair always in the best condition, then can be protected from normal harmful external effect. Lemon juice contains the anti-inflammatory agent, so it will be extremely beneficial if you can take use of lemon juice to deal with normal hair problems like hair dandruff, hair loss, and breakage. With the olive oil, your thin hair will become thicker thanks to the rich source of nutrients inside the olive oil. In fact, it is a really advantageous if your hair can be provided with this treatment.
- Now, all you need are 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of water.
- You mix all ingredients together and then apply the mixture to your damp hair
- Cover your hair with a towel for 20 minutes and rinse it off with the mild shampoo.
- You should follow this treatment on a weekly basis for the most brilliant result.
19. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth From Garlic And Chamomile Tea
It may be hard to imagine there would be one-day such DIY hair masks for hair growth as the garlic and chamomile tea can be taken to use. The truth is, this combination is scientifically proved to bring about long, soft and shiny hair.
Firstly, let’s talk about garlic here. Garlic is seemingly an essential part in every kitchen in so many popular kinds of dishes. It is also very beneficial for health, but more than that, it is friendly for hair. Thanks to its high content of copper, zinc, sulfur and vitamin B, your hair will soon get back its life, get rid of hair loss or dandruff and become thicker once you apply the garlic extract on your hair.
Such advantage from garlic is undeniable. But it would not be perfect if this treatment lacked the aid of chamomile tea – a super mild kind of tea which can make you feel relaxed all the time. The tea will be responsible for cleaning and eliminating the inflammation as well as the pollution that your hair is suffering from.
In short, if possible, you can take use of such DIY hair masks for hair growth as the combination from garlic and chamomile tea, then you will be super satisfied with the new hair you own.
You will need to prepare a tablespoon of garlic extract first and 3 tablespoons of chamomile tea together with a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of aloe vera gel, one egg yolk and 3 cups of fresh water.
- Starting by mixing garlic and honey first, then place it in the fridge
- Then, you have the water and chamomile tea boiled for 30 minutes, stirring it sometimes
- While you let it cool down, you take out the garlic honey mixture and put in it the egg yolk and aloe vera gel and mix them together thoroughly
- Then you just need to apply this mask to your hair evenly and leave it there for 20 minutes
- Rinse it off with a mild shampoo after that, and finish by rinsing your hair with chamomile tea which has been cooled down.
- Repeat this method week by week to get the best result for your hair.
20. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Olive Oil And Honey
Here comes one of the most popular DIY hair masks for hair growth. Curious about its recipe? But first, take a look at what this combination of olive oil and honey can do for your hair. Specifically, both of these ingredients are packed with nutrients that are highly recommended making it become stronger, softer and longer in a short time. They are also considered among the most excellent hair conditioners because of their extreme capability to provide deep moisture to your hair; therefore, your hair will never fall in the situation of dryness or thinning anymore.
Though honey is a bit thick, the olive oil is there to balance each other thoroughly and intensify the benefit of each ingredient perfectly.
- Now, it’s time to start. You just need to prepare 5 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl, followed by some drops of honey
- You mix them well and add the honey in the mixture constantly until you get the smooth solution
- You take some of this solution to massage on your hair gently, then cover it up with a shower cap
- Leave the mask there for 90 minutes and rinse it off with water and mild shampoo for the best result.
- You should take this treatment 1-2 times per week to get the most beautiful hair.
21. DIY Hair Masks For Hair Growth With Rosemary And Coconut Oil
Do you know that besides the hair-friendly coconut milk, there are also several kinds of herb able to be combined with coconut milk to make a high number of DIY hair masks for hair growth? The truth is that coconut milk by itself is a rich source of nutrition that can be applied to your hair to nourish it from root to tip. You can see that it is packed with fatty acid while your hair will grow remarkably once it is supplemented with the effect of fatty acid. That’s the reason why so many people use coconut milk to promote their hair growth.
In this remedy, there is also the presence of a potent kind of rosemary oil. It is sure that when you can apply this oil to your hair, it will soon become thicker and stronger. This combination of rosemary oil and coconut milk, therefore, becomes more and more attractive to almost everyone.
With this treatment, all you need are a ¾ cup of coconut milk and 2 teaspoons of rosemary leaves.
- Now, you just need to place all ingredients in the saucepan and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes
- Stir it occasionally so that the coconut milk cannot be burnt.
- Then, strain the coconut milk from rosemary leaves and keep it in the glass container
- Continue to add in this solution 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil
- Now, you just need to cleanse your hair first, then take some of this solution to massage on your hair gently
- Keep it there for overnight and rinse it with water in the next day
- You can repeat this method for several days a week to get long hair as you expect.
22. Make Aloe Vera Hair Conditioner
It is certain that you have at least one time seen there are several kinds of hair product made from aloe vera extract. But whether they are genuine or not is still questionable. So why don’t you get the start by making a natural hair mask right from the aloe vera around you? You can easily take it to the nearest supermarket and start to make the aloe vera conditioner for fast hair growth.
Aloe vera is a popular kind of herb widely used as a treatment for skin and hair thanks to its rich nutrients like vitamin A, B, C, E. Especially with your hair fall problem, the aloe vera can provide your hair with the property similar to keratin and protein, thereby making your hair become more elastic and longer. The anti-inflammatory agents inside aloe vera can also help to protect your hair safely from harmful effect making it always clean and clear. In short, you can follow the below guide for the best aloe vera conditioner.
- Firstly, you extract the aloe vera gel in a bowl
- Pour in this extract about 4 ounces of water
- You can add some drops of essential oil if you want.
- Keep the solution in a bottle for later use
- Before every time applying this solution, remember to shake it gently
- Rinse your hair with this solution for several times to get long hair as you want.
23. Create Hair Mask From Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is not just an integral part in every kitchen but also a super powerful ingredient in forming a high number of DIY hair masks for hair growth. It may sound strange but it is the truth that mayonnaise contain a great number of nutrients, especially the nourishing element from the egg effect inside it. The protein in it is beneficial enough to fit into your hair cuticle. If you wish to have your hair grow fast along with become softer and smoother, then mayonnaise may be the best choice for you.
- Now, get your hair dampened first, then take some mayonnaise to apply and massage gently into your hair.
- You wrap your treated hair with a shower cap then
- Leave the mask there for 20 minutes
- Finally, you rinse the mask off with water and mild shampoo.
- You can take use of this remedy on a weekly basis for several weeks to get the best result.
24. Make Beer Hair Rinse
Mentioning beer, you will immediately think of its being able to cool down your temperature during the hot day. But more than that, beer can be used to apply on your hair to clear down all the left pollutants, fix the hair breakage, moisturize your hair scalp, increase hair’s elasticity as well as enhance the hair growth significantly. Beer is best used for dry and tangled hair. If you are suffering from such problems as well as wish to own long and silky hair, then you should not ignore this treatment.
- All you want is just a cup of room-temperature beer
- After shampooing your hair, you just need to apply some beer on your hair and scalp
- Massage it gently then
- Don’t care about its smell
- Just follow this method 2 times per week for several weeks to get shiny and thick hair as you wish.
25. Apply Vodka Hair Rinse
Above is beer and here is the wine. Vodka sounds so fascinating of course because it brings with it the worthy valuation. Everyone all wishes to enjoy its alluring flavor. But aside from this physical side, vodka can be a great hair mask for hair thanks to its ability to balance the pH level on your hair scalp making cuticles get closed, thereby leaving your hair with glossy locks. Using vodka on a regular basis also helps you to deal with dandruff or frizzy hair efficiently. Hence, it is highly recommended that you use this kind of wine on your hair to get it grow fast and turn shiny all the time.
- Now, you just need to add some drops of vodka into your conditioner
- Stir it well together, you can add some essential oil if you want
- Apply this mixture to your hair for 20 minutes
- Then you rinse it off with water and mild shampoo.
- Repeat this method once per week for several weeks to get the most attractive hair.
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Top 15 DIY Natural Hair Masks For Oily Hair At Home
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Above is the list of 25 best natural DIY hair masks for hair growth. To some extents, they must definitely provide you with the feasible approaches to deal with hair loss or hair thinning to call back your long and gorgeous hair. Thanks to the great features and the wonderful properties of each ingredient, they build up an integrated substance enriched with full of nourishment for hair; therefore, the result of getting long and shiny hair is touchable. From this side, you can confidently shine yourself with long hair nurtured by the greatest DIY hair masks for hair growth.
They are so fantastic right! But if you have any questions or confusion about this article, please leave them in the comment box.
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